陳麗桂Chen, Li-Kuei林煒倫LIN, WEI-LUN2023-12-082022-07-192023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d069d624145690dfeabb9f4f7ca28d07/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119868本論文主要聚焦在出土的簡帛《老子》研究。1993年郭店楚簡《老子》的出土,即為二十世紀末重大的學術發現,亦是截至今日所發現最早的《老子》傳本。「老子」一詞,實含老子其人、其學以及其書三個意涵,而郭店《老子》的發現,對於老子其人的時代,其學於戰國的發展狀況,其書如何流傳、改變而成現今所見的傳世本《老子》,提供了新的研究材料。老子之學於戰國之時,各自有著不同的支派,如莊子之學以及黃老之學,這些流派分別發展與結合後產生的文獻,大量出現傳世本《莊子》外、雜篇中,使《莊子》外、雜篇儼然成為戰國道家思想之集大成者。   本文擬在前輩學者的研究成果上,藉由《老子》形成期與成型期的文本對勘,以及《莊子》外、雜篇中所見的戰國時期道家思想,研究《老子》成書過程中思想的演變。首先,討論郭店《老子》的文獻性質,以及在《老子》一書形成過程中,郭店《老子》居於重要的地位。其後在「《莊子》外雜篇中的思想議題」上,透過對於《莊子》外、雜篇的分析,主要討論戰國晚期道家各支派的思想特徵以及發展狀況。最後「《莊子》外雜篇思想與《老子》的關係」,提出《老子》文本於郭店本到帛書本,其中可能呈現了什麼戰國晚期道家各支派的思想特徵,如無君派思想、黃老思想等,並推論《老子》文本形成與莊子後學的關係。This thesis focuses on the textual studies of the unearthed Laozi documents. The Guodian document, unearthed in 1993, is the earliest Laozi manuscript ever excavated up to the present and is therefore of great academic value. The term “Laozi” is used to refer to Laozi the ancient Chinese philosopher, his learning, and his book. The Guodian document has offered new material for the study of all the three aspects. During the Warring States Period, the study of Laozi had various schools, primarily Zhuangzi and Huanglao. Each of these schools offered their respective discourses, which may also influence those of other schools. The literature of these forms a major part in the outer and miscellaneous chapters of Zhuangzi.This thesis seeks to offer a textual criticism and elaborate on the formation of the thoughts in Laozi during its process of writing. In the first chapter, the author explores why the Guodian document is of great importance for Laozi in the process of writing. The second chapter offers a textual analysis of the outer and miscellaneous chapters of Zhuangzi, especially on the different schools of Taoism in the late Warring States Period. In the third chapter, the author argues that some of the discourses of these schools, such as Anarchism and Huanglao thoughts, are included in the Guodian and Bamboo-silk Laozi documents. This finding leads the author to suggest the possible mutual influences between the Laozi document in its formation and Zhuangzi’s followers.老子郭店楚簡莊子後學出土文獻道家思想LaoziGuodian Chu SlipZhuangzi’s followersunearthed documentsTaosim從簡帛《老子》看《老子》思想與《莊子》外雜篇之關係Mutual Influences between Unearthed Laozi Documents and the Outer and Miscellaneous Chapters of Zhuangzietd