國立臺灣師範大學歐洲文化與觀光研究所;國立臺灣師範大學國文系賴貴三賴守正陳昭珍2014-10-302014-10-302009-11-30http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/33064本計畫主要在尋繹與收集十八至本世紀的法國漢學研究文獻,法國漢 學研究可以溯源到明末耶穌會教士來華時期。1795 年設立國立東方語言學 院,在十九世紀中葉也開始了漢語教學課程。1814 年12 月11 日,法蘭西 學院開設漢學講座,首次使歐洲的漢學研究成為高等教育的教學內容之 一,在歐洲漢學界中有極具重要的意義。此應歸功於Silvestre de Sacy (1758-1838),並協助完成耶穌會士關於漢學方面論著的集成《中國雜纂》 最後一卷的編纂工作。東方語言學院的漢語講座與法蘭西學院的漢學講座 的不同點,在於前者具有濃厚的實用色彩,而後者較為偏重學術研究。本 計畫擬以法籍傳教士Joseph de Prémare(中文名馬若瑟)在1728 年寫成 的一部手稿:Notitiae Linguae Sinicae(中國語言志略)為起始,並自 1815 年漢學講座的第一位主持者Abel-Rémusat(1788-1832,或稱雷慕沙) 著成《漢文啟蒙》作為開展的基礎。其後,以Stanislas Julien(1797-1873, 或稱儒蓮)、Hervery de Saint-Denis(1823-1892,或稱德理文)為薪傳 的對象。十九世紀的最後一任漢學教授為Edouard Chavannes(1865-1918, 或稱沙畹),直至二十世紀初期,法國的漢學研究極一時之盛,著稱於世。 其後繼任者馨香不斷,深刻影響著二十世紀以來的國際漢學界。法國漢學 研究,主要集中在漢語語言學、古典文學、敦煌學與俗文學、道教研究、 以及中國哲學思想等學術領域,在國際漢學界具有深厚的價值與影響力。The project of the Approach to French Sinology will search and collect the research documents about French sinology from 18th to 21th centuries. French sinology began from the missioners of the Society of Jesus in the late Ming dynasty. The Chinese studies in France were developed between the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries following by the missionary work , commerce and diplomacy. In the period, the main dimentions focused upon Chinese linguistics, literature and philosophy. The most famous professors of the foundation times were Silvestre de Sacy, Joseph de Prémare, Abel-R émusat, Stanislas Julien, Hervery de Saint-Denis andEdouard Chavannes. From the World War II until nowadays, Chinese Studies in France were prosperously progressive. They turned the trational topics – literature, history and philosophy into the current Chinese society, politics and economy. Since the 50’-60’ years of the 20th century, many universities in France began to study Chinese issues and founded the department of Chinese and the research institutes. French goverment continuously concerned about Chinese studies to promote Chinese studies and cultivate the talents. The project will connect the main library and my institute. We also cooperate with two faculties to set into action. Our goal is to establish the research and bibliography center of French sinology on Taiwan. Besides, we will serve for the any scholars and look forward to advance the scholarly globalization. Keywords:International Sinology,European Sinology,French Sinology,Chinese Studies ,Silvestre de Sacy,Joseph de Prémare,Abel-Rémusat,Stanislas Julien,Hervery de Saint-Denis,Edouard Chavannes.補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:歐美漢學研究II---法國漢學研究The Approach to French Sinology