曾煥雯Tzeng Huan-Wen吳明霖Ming Lin-Wu2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693750066%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95756在無所不在的無線通訊世界,近距離無線通訊技術日益受到重視。其中射頻電子標籤(RFID)能夠對人員與物品做長期追蹤與監控的功能尤其受到各方重視。然而,資料顯示,醫療不良事件的發生率約有3.7%,其中以藥物不良事件為所有非手術醫療疏失之首位,高達19.3%,且大部份來自於用藥疏失。為了減少藥物的使用失敗率與安全的使用,我們將著手三個部份第一為藥劑師的處方方面第二為藥廠製藥標籤方面第三為醫療人員監視病人使用藥物方面。 以醫藥產業而言,無線射頻 可被應用在兩大領域:一、追蹤資產:包括設備、資產等,以增加效能並減少人力成本。二、追蹤資料核實狀況:提高文件自動化、隨時監控產品。 本研究的系統是針對目前管制藥品的庫存及使用管理提出解決方案,希望能加強現行運作的醫療資訊系統。。主要成果有三個:一、建立一個便於使用的管制藥品使用流程;二、可以即時掌握管制藥品的庫存量及使管制藥品拿錯的機率達到最低;三、利用電子化作業來降低管制藥品取用人員拿取錯誤的機會。In the world of ubiquitous wireless communications, the near field communication technologies, especially RFID, has been a promising technology for long-term personnel and asset monitoring and tracking. However, static show that the rate of improper medicine treatment is about 3.7%; and then total 3.7% treatment mistake have 19.3% medicine misusage. In order to reduce such medicine failures rates and secure medicine usages. These stages describes: 1. druggist write out a prescription 2. Pharmacist prepare drug 3. Nurses use drugs and patients use of medicines. In the medicine industry, the RFID can be applied in the two greatest realms. First, trace the property, including equipments, property...etc., in order to increase the effectiveness of manpower. Secondly, trace the solid condition of data pit, increasing document automation and supervising and controlling products at any time. The purpose of this research is to come up with a solution for the stock and usage management of controlled drugs, hoping to strengthen the security of medical treatments of the current systems. The major contributions are in three aspects. First, to build up a secure usage process for any controlled medicines. Second, to verify the stock of controlled drugs in real time and lowers the probability of misusage of control drugs. Third, In the electronic preparing process reduces the chance of typos in prescribing and dispensing controlled drugs to reduce mistake to the minimum.藥物管理居家照護專家系統RFIDTagEPCDrug ManagementHealthcareexpert system智慧型居家藥物管理系統之設計The Design of Intelligent Home-care Drug Management System