林振興Lin, Zhen-Xing詹鈞雯Chan, Chun-Wen2022-06-082021-10-152022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8dc17847136bd2759c27cdbac5f05851/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116605所謂識字,柯華葳(1993)指出:「完整的識字是字形、字音、字義三者緊密結合」。Sung 與 Wu(2011)也指出「中文的識字,就是知道如何發音,辨別,書寫, 和了解常用的文字涵義」。綜合以上,識字指的是將接收到的訊息轉化為可辨別的字形、可讀出的字音和可理解的字義,三者缺一不可。漢字本身的複雜性導致漢字教學的困難,對非母語的初級學習者更為一大挑戰。因應新型冠狀病毒疫情,多明尼加於2020年三月份開始採停課不停學的方式進行網路課程教學。本研究以多明尼加臺灣商會附屬中文學校的學生為例,採用「學華語向前走」為上課教材,進行八週的教學實驗,利用集中識字法及分散識字法對初級非母語學習者進行線上教學活動。以Quizlet進行後翻轉學習,Quizizz為研究工具,進行線上評量,利用即時測驗及延宕測驗比較不同識字法的學習成效。藉由問卷以了解學習者在識字方面的學習興趣,學習策略及學習偏誤各方面表現並加以分析討論。研究結果顯示集中識字教學法在即時測驗和延宕測驗兩方面的學習成效皆優於分散識字教學法。另外,關於學習者在漢字教學的問卷結果顯示,對漢字的學習興趣皆非常正向,能運用學習策略幫助記憶,對於學習偏誤方面則還有努力空間。According to Ko (1993), a complete word recognition is an intimate connec-tion of the form, the pronunciation and the meaning of an intended word. When it comes to Chinese, Sung& Wu (2011) pointed out, "Word recognition requires the abilities to pronounce, to distinguish, to write a word and to understand its common meaning. " To sum up, word recognition means to transform the received infor-mation into a three-in-one unity, namely, the unique form, the pronunciation, and the meaning of the word. Given the complexity of Chinese characters, teaching Chinese characters is never an easy task. For learners, the difficulty level is even higher, especially for non-native beginners. The participants of this research were 10 students attending the affiliated Chinese School of Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce. Responding to the covid 19 pandemic, the government of Dominican Republic announced that, starting from March 2020, all students stayed at home attending on-line courses. Therefore, the eight students, all Dominican natives, participated in an on-line experimental course lasting for eight weeks. With the popular "Let' s Learn Chinese" as the textbook, this research compared the learning effect of two word recognition teaching meth-ods, i.e., the distributed word recognition and the orthographic classified word recognition. Quizlet was used as students' self-learning aids after class. The primary evaluation tool was Quizizz, which was administered on line to students at two points of time, right after each class (immediate effect) and one month later (de-layed effect). A questionnaire was used to understand students' enthusiasm, learn-ing strategies and mistaken concepts in learning Chinese. The research results show that, regardless of immediate or delayed effect, the orthographic classified word recognition teaching method performed betterthan the distributed method. The information collected from the questionnaire shows that students were interested in learning Chinese characters and were able to use some strategies to help them memorize Chinese characters. However, they had some mistaken concepts, which call for further learning.集中識字分散識字多明尼加線上教學漢字教學Orthographic word recognition teachingdistributed word recognition teachingDominican RepublicOn line learningChinese character teaching不同識字教學法對初級非母語學習者學習成效之研究–以多明尼加臺灣商會附屬中文學校為例Research on the Effectiveness of Different Literacy Teaching Methods for Primary Non-native Language Learners-Take the Chinese School Affiliated to the DTCC as an Example專業實務報告(專業實務類)