許和捷Hsu, Ho-Chieh曾靖萱Tseng, Ching-Hsuan2020-12-142020-08-242020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060668030T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111456現代兒童在科技時代下生長,兒童學習型App已經成為玩具和教育用品的首選,其需求持續成長,兒童介面設計日益重要。台灣有很多內容優良的紙本教材,若無法適應時代潮流而漸漸勢微甚是可惜,如何將傳統紙本教材轉化為適合行動裝置的介面形式是很重要的課題。本研究將彙整受台灣喜愛的兒童學習型App介面設計原則,並且了解台灣介面設計產業的製作流程與概念,應用上述兩者打造《未來兒童》App以供參考。 本研究蒐集台灣2018/09/01~2019/08/31最受兒童歡迎的前20名App,以個案分析法歸納出台灣7-10歲兒童喜愛的學習型App介面設計原則如下:柔和且搭配協調的色彩、扁平化的介面設計風格,喜歡App中出現虛擬角色、遊戲功能、外部酬賞等元素,使用音效、動畫、圖像、文字、音樂生動靈活的傳達訊息,且沒有引導教學就能直接使用,小幅度動畫和音效反饋為佳,情境式設計幫助兒童沈浸其中,觸控手勢則是點擊、輕掃、拖移都能接受,App須專注於本身的主打功能,排除非必要的設計。 訪談四位介面設計專家,歸納台灣介面設計專家建議的製作流程與核心概念,介面必須以使用者為中心進行設計,首先剖析目標族群的需求與痛點,再來發想解決方法,根據解決方法形塑App整體方向、訂定主要功能,之後規劃詳細的介面流程與細部功能,最後產生圖形介面設計,而設計者應視自身資源多寡決定是否要易用性測試或是將各步驟加以細分。 綜合上述,以《未來兒童》主題放大鏡單元為例創作App,透過創作找到傳統紙本教材和行動裝置App之間的平衡,提供業者一個參考的形式與設計方向。Nowadays, learning applications for children have become the first choice as toys or education supplies. The user interface design for kids have become more and more important. There’re lots of excellent subject matters of paper in Taiwan, it has become an imperative issue that how to transform the traditional subject matters of paper into a UI form which suitable for mobile devices. This study would summarize the principles of interface design in children’s learning apps that popular in Taiwan, and explore the concept and the product development process of industrial user interface design in Taiwan, then using both information as references for creating the “Global Kids Junior APP”. This study collects the top 20 apps in Taiwan from date 2018/09/01 to 2019/08/31 that are most popular for children, and uses the method of case analysis to generalize the design principles of user interface design in learning apps that being liked by children during 7 to 10 years old in Taiwan. Above principles are summarized by the following: Elements such like soft and coordinating colors, Flat design style, enjoy the appearance of on-screen characters, game functions, Extrinsic reward, etc. Also, using sounds, animations, images, texts, music to convey messages flexibility and apps which can be used directly without guidance. Feedbacks are better with adding a slightly animations and sounds. Design scenarios can help children to immerse. Gestures like tapping, swiping, dragging are all acceptable. Focus on the main function in apps and exclude the unnecessary designs. By interviewing four experts on interface design in Taiwan to summarize the product development process and core concepts suggested by them. User- centered design is necessary when designing interfaces of apps. First, analyzing the demand and pain point from target audience and then creating solutions. Shaping the overall direction of apps and formulating the main function according to solutions. Then planning specific processes of interface and functions in detail. Finally, creating the graphical interface design. In conclusion, using the theme of “magnifier unit” from magazine “Global Kids Junior Monthly” as samples to create application. Finding the balance between traditional subject matters of paper and apps on mobile devices through creation to provide the industry with reference forms and designing directions.兒童介面設計行動學習應用程式(App)ChildrenM-LearningUser Interface DesignApplication(App)兒童學習型App介面設計創作研究—以《未來兒童》主題放大鏡單元為例User Interface design of Learning App for children- A Case Study of Global Kids Junior Monthly