張家豪Jia Hao Chang林子鑑Tzu Chien Lin2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095043103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105207摘 要 目的:探討在不同蹲舉姿勢與不同負重下膝關節力矩之差異。方法:分別以測力板、Vicon Motion Capture systems動作擷取系統擷取12位大學男生(平均年齡:20.91歲±1.32,平均體重70.83kg±5.42,平均身高:177.85cm±3.92)1/2及1/3蹲舉過程中,動力學及運動學參數。實驗以重複量數二因子變異數進行分析;並以LSD進行事後比較,顯著水準定在α = .05。結果:最大屈曲伸展力矩,1/2蹲舉為0.98 ± 0.15~2.19 ± 0.27(Nm/kg),1/3為蹲舉0.938± 0.19~2.23 ± 0.295(Nm/kg),蹲舉方式雖未達顯著差異,但負重較重有明顯較大的曲屈伸展力矩(p<.05)。 1/2蹲舉的最大內收外展力矩(0.36±0.25~0.88±0.37Nm/kg)明顯大於1/3蹲舉(0.35±0.23~0.76±0.38Nm/kg, p<.05),負重較重有明顯較大的內收外展力矩(p<.05)。內旋外旋最大力矩1/2蹲舉(0.12±0.03~0.27±0.99Nm/kg)明顯大於1/3蹲舉(0.11±0.01~0.21±0.05Nm/kg p<.05),負重較重有明顯較大的內旋外旋力矩(p<.05)。結論與建議:本研究兩種蹲舉姿勢,對於一般健康之年輕族群,是可以接受的訓練方式;在內收外展與內外旋力矩方面,1/3方式會有較小的負荷,較適合膝關節傷害復建與肌肉適能較差之族群。Abstract Purpose: to investigate the variation of different postures and loadings of barbell squats on knee joint force. Methods: The KISTER force plate and the VICON Motion Capture Systems were used to acquire 12 male college students’ (age 20.91±1.32 yrs, weight 70.83±5.42 kg, height 177.85±3.92 cm) kinetic and kinematic data during 1/2 and 1/3 squats. The selected variables were tested by two-way repeated ANOVA (α = .05) and post hoc comparisons by LSD. Results: the maximal moment of flexion/extension were 0.98 ± 0.15~2.19 ± 0.27 (Nm/kg) in 1/2 squats, and 0.938± 0.19~2.23 ± 0.295 (Nm/kg) in 1/3 squats. There were no significant difference between two types of barbell squats; nevertheless, flexion/extension moments of the knee joint were significantly greater for heavier loading than lighter loading. Adduction/ abduction moments of the knee joint were significantly greater for 1/2 squats (0.36±0.25~0.88±0.37 Nm/kg) than 1/3 squats (0.35±0.23~0.76 ±0.38 Nm/kg, p<.05), and were significantly greater for heavier loading. Internal/external rotation moments of the knee joint were significantly greater for 1/2 squats (0.12±0.03~0.27±0.99 Nm/kg) than 1/3 squats (0.11±0.01~0.21±0.05 Nm/kg, p<.05), and were significant greater for heavier loading. Conclusion: This research indicated that the two postures of loading are suitable for health young people; the 1/3 squat is more fit to knee injury and poor muscular fitness people, due to lower moments of knee adduction/abduction and knee internal/external rotation.膝關節受力蹲舉肌力訓練Knee joint forcebarbell squatstraining不同蹲舉動作之膝關節力矩比較Comparision of knee joint moments for different squat postures