李振明Lee張亦足Chang Yi-Tsu2020-12-102015-8-222020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098603112%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115046  本研究以筆者「春來草自青」系列作品為主軸,內容包含「自然」「表象與本質」的精神探究,研究過程中輔以臨摩歷代名作,深入探討名作的意含、理念,做為筆者創作添增養份。   本文第一章「緒論」為起點,繼第二章本質的探討,筆者內在生命開始,建構一系列的秩序,透過藝術繪畫呈現作品樣貌,第三章陳述主題內含並藉西方哲人觀點,說明東西方藝術創作者皆得自然的宇宙現象,筆者將「看得見」的部分加以梳理之後成為自我的作品,亦引證古人、今人作品比較與探討。創作品的產生,如同宇宙誕生一樣,由混樸之境,虛到實的必然過程,如氣聚、氣散,「靜中生情」「靜中取韻」「寧靜以致遠」,達到伸向無限的美學觀點。第四章談創作的方法,並以寫生稿說明,創作主題的產生,根源來自「搜盡奇峯打草稿」,及平常「滴水為穿石」之準備。因為平常心的準備收集資料,如同生活生命衍化運作的軌跡般,是「自然而然」的。在五章創作回顧中,內容上為延續了本次的主題,如「大地清音」時期,表現上較注重形式的構造;「萃取野地的生息」內容,則呈現筆者當時易受外在因素干擾,作品呈現不定性的外在因子;「筆情墨痕」,已有累積經驗,故常思、檢視,此時期呈現的作品,漸入佳境又具思古幽情。「春來草自青」主題則更添加了作品中的象徵性、隱喻性、精神性探究。   創作得已預期的告一段落,主要原因乃得自創作過程中,得到外放,精神上相對的自由,促使筆者振奮了生命的泉源,主題之名亦因此而確訂。末章「結論」,總結前文,及創作的架構,探索的結果發現哲學與創作的共同性。These study are basic from the artist “The grass turns green when the spring comes”, the content include “Nature” and “Essential and the presentation”, this research discuss copy the works who are famous to discuss the meaning and idea to inspire artist. From the chapter of preface to the chapter two to discuss essential, the begging of life in my heart, great order of series. The chapter three to describe the subject internal and by the concept western philosopher, explain the art western and eastern, both are from the phenomenon universe. I use the part of “I can see” to arrange for my works, and it improve the works compare with ancient people and modern people to compare and discuss. The produce of works just like birth of universe, in a pure and chaos atmosphere , the real to the empty necessary process, for example: to gather the spirit and separated ,to reach the concept of aesthetics. The chapter four talk about the method of creation, and explain by sketch: the produce of subject creation source origin from “collect mountains to do sketch”. Because to collect information as usual, just like the traces revelation of life, that is「naturally」. The review of chapter five, the content continue this subject, as the same the period of “the sounds of earth”, it was focus on the structure of form. “Extract from wild breath” text. To present the time I was disturb by factor of external, my works present the unstable element. “The Beauty of Brush and Ink-Chinese Calligraphy and Ink-Painting” already had experience in these series, therefore I often think check its and it’s are getting better. “The grass turns green when the spring comes” this series add: (一) The symbolize of work (二) The metaphor Of work (三) The discover psychical of work My creating already finished, the reason principle from my creating process and spirit to get free, promote I inspire source of life, then I decided my title. The end of chapter, arrange all of the chapter and the structure of creating, the end of discover I find out the same of philosophy and creating.本質混樸樣貌秩序看得見EssentialBlurredAppearancesorderstyle春來草自青-張亦足水墨畫創作研究The grass turns green when the spring comes :The study of Ink Painting by Chang Yi-Tsu