陳滿銘2014-10-272014-10-272010-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/24657篇章是建立在二元(陰柔、陽剛)互動之基礎上,以呈現其「多、二、一(0)」結構的;而其風格之形成,便與這種由二元(陰柔、陽剛)互動所組織而成之「多、二、一(0)」結構與其「移位」、「轉位」、「調和」、「對比」,息息相關。本文即以唐詩、宋詞各兩首為語料,用這種由二元(陰柔、陽剛)互動所組織成之「多、二、一(0)」的篇章結構與其「移位」(順、逆)、「轉位」(抝)、「調和」、「對比」為依據,對整體結構之陽剛與陰柔消長的情形,進行探討,試予量化,並將這種模式探索之結果對應於傳統直觀表現之結晶作進一步的觀察。結果發現:審辨篇章風格時,除必須參考直觀表現之成果外,又嘗試拓展有理可說」的模式探索空間,將有助於審辨品質之提高,是大有可為的。Literary works are majorly based on the interaction of dualism between the masculine and the feminine components that forms a “multiple, binary and single (zero)” structure. The development of a literary style, therefore, is an interactive process that is closely related to the arrangement of “multiple”,“binary” and “unitary (zero)” structure and its variation such as “shift”,“transfer”, “harmony” and “contrast”. This article takes example of Tang Poetry and Song Lyrics to quantify the interactive vicissitude between the masculine and feminine components according to the“multiple”, “binary”and “unitary (zero)” structure and the variation of shift (in compliant/reverse sequence), transfer (incompliance), harmony and contrast in literary works. The author also observes the essence of intuitive performance in traditional literary style by means of model exploration. In conclusion, it requires not only examining the outcomes of intuitive performance in a literary style but also the model exploration as to talk sense. These efforts will be greatly helpful to enhance the identification of literary styles.篇章風格剛柔成分量化直觀表現模式探索多二一(0)結構The literary styleThe masculine and feminine componentsIntuitive performanceModel explorationThe multiplebinary and single (zero) structure篇章風格論The Literary Style--Examination of the Intuitive Performance and the Model Exploration