杞昭安林佑臻Yu-Chen Lin2019-08-282016-9-102019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0500091211%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91550本研究旨在探討北部地區特教學校高職部智能障礙學生家長對實施性教育看法及親職性教育需求情形。瞭解家長對實施性教育的角色責任、態度、擔憂及阻礙方面的看法,並分析不同背景的家長對親職性教育課程內容及實施方式需求之差異情形。為達研究目的,本研究採問卷調查方式進行研究,研究者分層隨機選取北部地區五所特教學校高職部智能障礙學生家長265人為受試者,以自編之「家長對實施性教育的看法及親職性教育需求問卷」為研究工具,進行資料蒐集,回收有效問卷共計225份,回收之問卷經百分比、平均數、t考驗及單因子變異數等統計方法分析後,獲得之主要研究結論如下: 一、北部地區特教學校高職部智能障礙學生家長對實施性教育看法的認 同程度介於同意至非常同意之間,對實施性教育的看法屬積極正向   。 二、不同背景之北部地區特教學校高職部智能障礙學生家長對「家長的角色與責任」、「家長對性教育的態度」均抱持正向的看法,在「家長對實施性教育的擔憂」、「家長實施性教育的阻礙」方面,有低度至中度的認同程度。 三、北部地區特教學校高職部智能障礙學生家長對親職性教育需求程度介於需要至非常需要之間,課程內容需求方面以「自我保護」課程的需求程度最高,而以「傳播媒體」實施方式進行親職性教育課程較符合家長實際需求。 四、不同背景之北部地區特教學校高職部智能障礙學生家長在親職性教育課程內容及實施方式的需求表現上皆無顯著差異。 根據上述研究結果,研究者提出相關建議,提供家長、學校、教育相關單位及未來研究者參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate viewpoints about sex education and needs of parental sexuality education among parents of vocational high school of special educational students with intellectual disabilities at northern territory of Taiwan. This study explored not only understanding the viewpoints of role responsibility, attitude, anxiety and obstruct of parents for the implementation of sex education, but also analysis of the needs of parental sexuality education course content and embodiment of different backgrounds parents. To achieve the purpose, this study used questionnaire study, picked “Stratified random” to select 265 subjects among parents of five vocational high schools of special education of northern territory at Taiwan. Used ”the viewpoints about sex education and needs of parental sex education questionnaire” which created and edited by the researcher as a research tool, to collect data, a total of 225 valid questionnaires were returned which were processed percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA analysis. The main results can be summarized as the following points: 1.The viewpoints of parents on the implementation of sex education among parents of vocational high school of special educational students with intellectual disabilities at northern territory is positively, the level of agreement between agreed to strongly agreed. 2.There are positive viewpoints in the roles and responsibilities, parents' attitude to sex education and low to middle level of acceptance in anxiety about the implementation of sex education, obstruct about the implementation of sex education of the different backgrounds of parents of vocational high school of special educational students with intellectual disabilities at northern territory. 3.The level of the needs of parents on the implementation of sex education among parents of vocational high school of special educational students with intellectual disabilities at northern territory is between needs to stongly needs. “Self-protection" demands which in the needs of course content is the highest degree. Besides, used "media" to embodiment of parental sex education courses more in line with the actual needs of the parents. 4.There were no significant differences on parental sex education and the needs of parents on the implementation of sex education among parents of vocational high school of special educational students with intellectual disabilities at northern territory. Based on the above findings, the researchers put forward relevant proposals to provide parents, schools, education authorities and the future researchers.智能障礙學生家長性教育親職性教育students with intellectual disabilitiessex educationparental sexuality education特教學校智能障礙學生家長對實施性教育的看法及親職性教育需求之研究A study on viewpoints about sex education and needs of parental sex education among parents of vocational high school of special educational students with intellectual disabilities