蔣旭政Chiang, Hsu-Cheng楊丹婷Yang, Dan-Ting2022-06-082025-12-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/182b5324043dd0e3d549decf7965239f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117409因網路科技發展及全球疫情常態化影響,網路在線課程逐漸商品化普及,而 Instagram 限時動態正是近年社交網路廣告投放熱門位置。因此本研究欲探究網路在線課程在 Instagram 限時動態中的廣告效果。採 2x2x2 的多因子實驗法設計,本研究欲探討對於 Instagram 限時動態中的線上課程廣告來說,何種課程屬性(功利型課程/興趣型課程)、廣告訴求(理性訴求/感性訴求)與呈現方式(動態呈現/靜態呈現)對廣告效果(廣告態度、產品態度、購買意願)有最佳的影響,以及探討感知價值是否在本研究的自變項與依變項之間具有中介效果。本研究希望通過探討個體在 Instagram 限時動態中瀏覽不同課程屬性、廣告訴求與呈現方式搭配的網路在線課程廣告後對廣告效果的反饋獲得關於網路在線課程廣告的策略性建議,以提供給未來希望在社群媒體進行廣告投放的網路在線課程商家。研究結果顯示,(1)興趣型課程在 Instagram 限時動態廣告中有較佳的廣告效果;(2)感性訴求在 Instagram 限時動態廣告中有較佳的廣告效果;(3)課程屬性與廣告訴求對 Instagram 限時動態廣告有顯著的交互作用影響;(4)廣告訴求與呈現方式對 Instagram 限時動態廣告有顯著的交互作用影響;(5)課程屬性、廣告訴求及呈現方式對 Instagram 限時動態廣告沒有顯著的交互作用影響;(6)感知價值在課程屬性對廣告效果的影響中具有中介效果,但在廣告訴求和呈現方式之中則無。Due to the development of online technology and the normalization of global epidemic, online courses are gradually commercialized, and Instagram Stories is a popular choice for social network advertising in recent years. This article will explore the effectiveness of advertising online courses on Instagram Stories. This research adopts a 2x2x2 multi-factorial experimental design to explore which impact of course types (utilitarian course/interest-based course), advertising appeals (rational requirements/emotional requirements) and message types (dynamic presentation/static presentation) have the best effect on advertising effectiveness (advertising attitude, product attitude, purchase intention) for online course ads in Instagram Stories, and whether perceived value has a mediating effect between the independent variables and dependent variables in this study. This article aims to examine the effectiveness of online course ads in Instagram stories as people view them with different course attributes, ad requirements and presentation styles, and get strategic advice on online course advertising for future online course merchants who want to advertise in social media.Research results show that (1) Interest-based courses have better advertising results in Instagram stories ads. (2) Emotional requirements have better advertising results in Instagram stories ads. (3) Course attributes and advertising requirements have a significant interactive effect on Instagram Stories ads. (4) Advertising requirements and presentation methods have a significant interactive effect on Instagram stories ads. (5) Course attributes, advertising requirements and presentation methods do not have a significant interactive effect on Instagram Stories ads.(6)Perceived value has a mediating effect in the effect of course attributes on advertising effectiveness, but not in advertising requirements and presentation methods.網路在線課程Instagram 限時動態廣告課程屬性廣告訴求呈現方式感知價值Online coursesInstagram StoriesAdvertisementCourse attributesAdvertising requirementsPresentation methodsPerceived value課程屬性、廣告訴求與呈現方式對 Instagram 限時動態廣告的廣告效果影響The Impact of Course Types, Advertising Appeals and Message Types on the Effectiveness of Instagram Stories Advertising學術論文