晏涵文劉潔心劉捷文2014-10-272014-10-272001-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17957本研究之主要目的在探討國中健康教育教師性教育專業知能及其影響因素,並調查因應新課程教師之性教育進修需求。以台灣地區目前擔任健康教育之全體合格健教 教師為調查對象,進行郵寄問卷調查。本研究之研究工具經參考國內、外文獻初擬為結構式問卷,後經信、效度測試後定稿。研究結果發現: 1. 國中健康教育教師的性教育專業知能表現中等,其中以教師自覺性健康的程度最好,其次為性教育教學的自我效能、性教育教學法運用的能力、性教育教學目標達成 之困難度,然以性教育評量運用能力和性教育教具及媒體使用能力,表現最差。 2. 教師的教育程度愈高和有參加過性教育研習課程的教師,他們專業知能較好。 3. 學校的教學環境愈配合性教育之進行,教師的性教育專業知能愈好。 4. 約有九成二的教師願意接受性教育的進修訓練,且專業知能較好的教師,也有較高的意願接受在職進修。 未來希望能多提供在職進修或研習活動的機會,以及各學校應該要加緊腳步建立良好的學校教學環境,做好九年一貫課程的準備。This study aims to explore the professional knowledge and competence of teachers teaching sexuality education, its influencing factors and the needs of in-service training regarding the new curriculum. This study would be targeted at teachers qualified in teaching health education. The questionnaires are delivered through mail. The study tool is drafted as structured questionnaire with reference to local overseas literature and revised after reliability and validity testing. The results are so follows: 1. The professional competence of health education teachers teaching sexuality education is at fair level. Among the six items, teachers have a higher level of self-awareness on health; after that is the self-efficacy in teaching, mastering power of teaching, difficulty in reaching teaching goals. Teachers show weak power on the ability in teaching assessment and applying tools and media. 2. Teachers with higher educational level and participation in sexuality education courses have better professional knowledge and competence. 3. Teachers have better professional knowledge and competence if school provides a supportive teaching environment. 4. 92% of the correspondents are willing to attend training on sexuality education. Teachers with better professional knowledge tend to have stronger desire to accept in-service training. It is hoped that in-service training would be organized and a supportive teaching environment would be created to further develop sexuality education in future.性教育性教育專業知能教學環境性教育進修需求Sexuality educationTeachers' professional competence of sexuality educationSchool teaching environmentIn-service teacher training國民中學健康教育教師性教育專業知能與進修需求研究A Study on "Professional Knowledge and Competence" of Sexuality Education and Needs of in-service Training among Junior High School Teachers in Teaching Health Education