唐淑華Tang, Shu-Hua林靖于Lin, Ching-Yu2019-08-292019-11-022019-08-292019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0506004116%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92559本研究旨在探討教師如何於高中歷史課程融入「做筆記」的教學策略及其效果。研究目的如下:一、規劃與實施一套適用於高一歷史「做筆記」的課程。二、探討教導高中「做筆記」策略,與做筆記成效之間的關係。三、探討教導高中「做筆記」策略,與學生學習態度間的關係。四、探討教師實施「做筆記」教學策略的反思與專業成長。本研究以行動研究法為取徑,研究場域是一所位於臺北市內的公立高中,透過第一次歷史段考成績做立意取樣,挑選兩班性質相近的班級做實驗組(29人)以及對照組(33人)。教學過程分成三階段,依序為奠基期、實踐期及修正期,藉由實施教學方案、搜集相關資料和反思與修正課程循環方式進行。在實驗前、後兩組學生皆進行做筆記的測驗,測驗結果請校外諍友依據表3-3-1評分規準進行評分,研究者將評分結果以SPSS做資料分析。輔以學生筆記、問卷調查、教師省思札記、影音紀錄等等方式進行三角檢證,藉此了解在教學介入後,能否提升學生做筆記成效以及探究學生學習態度。研究結果顯示,「做筆記」教學策略融入高中歷史課程有助於提升學生筆記成效;在學習態度上,約有七成的學生積極參與課程;且研究者執行「做筆記」教學策略能增進省思與專業成長。此外,本研究亦對「做筆記」教學策略融入高中歷史課程的設計與實施過程,做詳細的紀錄與分析,並提出相關建議作為未來相關研究之參考。The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers can incorporate the note-taking teaching strategy and their effect in high school history lessons. The research objectives are as follows : First, planning and implementing a set of lessons for note-taking in the history of high school grade one. Second, explore the relationship between teaching high school note-taking strategy and the effectiveness of note-taking. Third, explore the relationship between teaching high school note-taking strategy and students' learning attitudes. Fourth, explore the reflection and professional growth of teachers' implementation of the note-taking teaching strategy.This study adopted action research methodology and it was put into practice in a public high school in Taipei City of Taiwan. Through the first history exam report of the first semesters' purposive sampling. The participants of this study were students from two classes (one was the 29 people experiment group and the other was the 33 people control group) with similar characteristics. This study adapted action research which included three stages, which are the foundation period, the execution period and the revision period. Through the implementation of teaching method, the collection of relevant materials and teacher teaching reflection and correction of the curriculum cycle. All the students in two groups completed pre-test and post-test examination. The results of the test are requested by the outside schools' graduate students to score according to the 3-3-1 rubric . The researchers will use the SPSS for data analysis. And supplemented by students’ class notes, questionnaire survey, teacher’s teaching reflection, audio and video records way to carry out triangulation. In order to understand whether students can improve the effectiveness of note-taking and explore students' learning attitudes after teaching intervention. This study showed that the teaching strategy which was called note-taking could significantly improve students’ ability of note-taking and in learning attitude, about 70% of students actively participate in the course. And the researcher's implementation of the note-taking teaching strategy can enhance thinking and professional growth. This action research carefully recorded and analyzed how the teaching strategy of note-taking could be integrated into daily history lessons in the high school, and the recommendations for future research was offered accordingly.歷史課本閱讀東大筆記學習筆記康乃爾筆記行動研究history textbook readingDongda noteslearning notesCornell notes systemaction research高一歷史「做筆記」教學策略之行動研究Action Research on the Teaching Strategy of "Note-taking" in the tenth grade classroom.