陳伯璋,林逢祺林泰石Lin, Tai-shie2019-08-292016-07-042019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0899030026%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92610生命本體的體驗與生命教育的核心基礎 摘要   本研究主要探討如何引導人們透過向內的體驗,將自我暫時懸置,以便體驗生命本體,進而與之建立密切的關係。基此形成生命教育的核心基礎,再透過教學實踐協助人們達到認識生命和珍惜生命的目標。 為了有效達到此一目的,本研究按照五大步驟進行研究:1.探究自我建構和自我運作的內容;2.找尋自我消融的原理與途徑;3.發現生命本體與生命本質;4.重建自我與生命本體的關係;5.反思與建構生命教育的核心基礎。   在研究取向方面,本研究側重文獻分析;在研究方法上,自我建構的探究和生命本體的體驗分別採用不同的資料分析方法。自我建構方面採用傅柯論述分析法,以闡明自我建構和呈現此一建構可能面臨的問題;生命本體的探究採用現象學的還原方法,以便將自我懸置,迎向生命本體的呈顯;生命本體的體驗則採用禪修方法。   本研究除確認透過自我消融可能讓人體驗到生命本體和與之建立緊密關係,以有效照護自己的生命外,亦可以消融人們的言行錯誤,避開不良後果,故可讓人獲得更為自在的人生。再者,本研究歷程中尚有下列主要發現: 一、深度自我覺察是發現生命本體的預備。 二、自我認同是自我消融的前提。 三、自我消融具有觀、止和定的功能。 四、自我消融有助洞見自我與生命本體的原初關係。 五、自我與生命本體的有效接合可以開展生命驚奇。 六、人際真誠植根於自我與生命本體的堅實關係。   基於上述發現,本研究進一步探究生命教育課程的核心基礎,並針對生命教育的實施對象、課程與教學、教師期待、未來研究方向等角度提出相關建議。      關鍵詞:生命教育、自我消融、生命本體、生命體驗Life Essence Experiences and the Core Basis of Life Education abstract This research aims to explore how to orient the people to experience the internal life essence and to establish the close relationship with it ,by bracketing the self. It believes that to implement a life education curriculum basing its core on the experiencing of life essence will enable people to recognize and take care of their life.  In order to achieve this goal, this research conducts the following investigations: 1.To explore the contents of self-construct and self-operation. 2.To analyze and find out the principles and methods of self-resolution. 3.To discover how to access the life essence and its core characteristics. 4.To find out the way of re-establishing the relationship between the self and life essence. 5.To reflect and form the core basis of life education. The major approach of this research is literature analysis. Because of the difference between the contents of life and self, different methods of investigations are adopted in this research: Foucault's discourse analysis is used for inquiring into self-constructing; phenomenal analysis is used for exploring life essence in order to bracket self and illuminate life essence; and zen practices are used for probing life essence. This research testify that by bracketing of oneself, people may gain the experiencing of life essence and establish the close relationship with it, which will enable people to effectively take care of their life. At the same time, it makes people to eliminate wrong conduct and bad results, and to lead to a happy life.Besides,this research ends with the following major findings: 1.Deep self-consciousness is the preparation of the finding of life essence. 2.Self-identification is the prior step to self-resolution. 3.Self-resolution has the functions of achieving contemplation, cessation and Samadhi of the mind. 4.Self-resolution can demonstrate the prime relationship between self and the life essence. 5.The successful reconnection between self and life essence is helpful for developing a wonderful human life. 6.A solid relationship between self and life essence is the basis of genuine human relationship. Based on the major findings , this thesis provides related suggestions for forming the core of life education curriculum, its practice of life education and further researches . Keywords: life education、self-resolution、life essence、life experiencing生命教育自我消融生命本體生命體驗life educationself-resolutionlife essencelife experiencing生命本體的體驗與生命教育的核心基礎Life essence experiences and the core basis of life education