國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系暨研究所謝佳玲2014-10-302014-10-302012-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31829整合型計畫名稱:跨國合作之華語遠距協同教學模式研究— 美國高中華語課程之設計與實施 總計畫:針對美國高中華語課程之跨國遠距協同教學模式研究 華語教學在全球的趨勢已逐步從大學階段向下延伸至高中,並繼續延伸至中小學,學習者的年齡逐漸降低,也衍生出中小學的華語教師不足、原有大學的教材不適用、針對中小學生的華語教學法尚待開發等問題,本研究旨在針對這些新的問題提供解決之模式,以美國的高中為對象,培訓遠距視訊教學之華語教師,直接對美國多所高中的華語課程進行授課,並研發適合中學使用的教學法及輔助教材。本整合型計畫以一年五個月為期,包含總計畫及四個子計畫:總計畫:針對美國高中華語課程之跨國遠距協同教學模式研究。子計畫一:結合線上自學與視訊會談之混合式華語教學法、學習活動與測驗研究。子計畫二:針對美國高中之遠距華語教師培訓研究。子計畫三:針對美國高中之遠距華語教師培訓研究—美國高中華語教材之評估與遠距華語視訊數位教材之開發為中心。子計畫四:以學習社群豐富知識分享的支援系統研發。最終目的在建立並持續經營一個適用於美國9-12中學生之遠距視訊華語教學模式,預期透過師資認證及教材認證國際化的過程,使台灣華語教學師資及教材成果與美國中等教育主流教學體制接軌,成為跨國視訊華語教學的範例,提高台灣華語教學的國際能見度與國際聲望。The study of distance Chinese teaching model -- The design and implementation of Chinese language courses for senior high school level in the US Main Project:The study of distance Chinese teaching model of the Chinese language courses for senior high school level in the US The global tendency of the Teaching Chinese as a second language has been extended toward the elementary and high schools in recent decade. The problems has been revealed for teaching younger learners, such as the shortage of the Chinese language teachers for K-12, the deficiency of the context and the poor in pedagogy. The integrated project aims at providing a model for solving the problems:1. To prepare qualified Chinese teachers for conducting distance Videoconferencing courses. 2. To develop the videoconferencing content and pedagogy suitable for the senior high level. 3. To conduct real world teaching for senior high students in US through distance teaching directly. The project includes a main project with four sub-projects on all the major components of e-learning, including the studies of content, teachers preparation, pedagogy, learners’ evaluation and computer support system. Main Project: The study of distance Chinese teaching model of the Chinese language courses for senior high school level in the US. Sub-Project1: A Study of Chinese Pedagogy, Learning Activities, and Assessment for Blended Learning Combining Online Self-Study and Videoconferencing. Sub-Project2: A Study of Distance Chinese Teacher Training for American High Schools. Sub-Project3: A New Cooperation Model for International Online Mandarin Courses and Digital Supplementary Teaching Material Development. Sub-Project4: The Research and Development of Support System for Applying Learning Community to Rich Knowledge Sharing. The 17- month project will establish collaborations directly with some school districts in several states. It will also connect with the educational system of the United States, including the certificated teacher training and the Chinese language content for 9-12.華語教學遠距教學華語教師華語課程美國高中Chinese teachingdistance teachingChinese language teacherChinese courseAmerican senior high school跨國合作之華語遠距協同教學模式研究—美國高中華語課程之設計與實施總計畫暨子計畫二:針對美國高中華語課程之跨國遠距協同教學模式研究及遠距華語教師培訓研究(1/2)A Study of Distance Chinese Teacher Training for American High Schools (1/2).