林旻沛Lin, Min-Pei陳冠竹Chen, Kuan-Chu2022-06-082021-07-022022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9dd12ee8d4d6cd61b025d47edd2cd9f3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116787本研究旨在檢驗國中生的憂鬱情緒、現實與虛擬社會支持、拒網自我效能與網路成癮間之關聯性,並釐清拒網自我效能是否能中介憂鬱情緒對網路成癮之預測關係,以及現實社會支持與虛擬社會支持是否能分別調節憂鬱情緒對拒網自我效能的預測關係。本研究採橫斷研究法,以臺灣國中生作為研究對象,共取得有效問卷1,129份,並使用「個人資料表」、「憂鬱焦慮壓力量表之憂鬱分量表」、「社會支持量表」、「拒網自我效能量表」及「陳氏網路成癮量表」等作為研究工具。本研究採用描述統計、皮爾森相關分析及結構方程模式等統計方法進行資料分析。研究結果顯示:(1)國中生平均每週上網時間為20.03小時(標準差為17.16小時)且有90.6%之國中生擁有自己的智慧型手機;(2)國中生之時間管理能力與網路成癮傾向呈顯著負相關;(3)憂鬱情緒可顯著且正向預測網路成癮;(4)拒網自我效能可顯著且負向預測網路成癮;(5)拒網自我效能可部分中介憂鬱情緒對網路成癮之正向預測關係;(6)現實與虛擬社會支持能調節憂鬱情緒對拒網自我效能之負向預測關係。本研究檢驗了國中生憂鬱情緒、現實與虛擬社會支持、拒網自我效能與網路成癮之調節式中介模型,並建議若欲預防網路成癮,可同時降低憂鬱情緒與提升拒網自我效能,且若能提升現實社會支持與降低虛擬社會支持,將能更有效預防國中生沉迷於網路之風險。Based on the theory of triadic influence (TTI) and buffering hypothesis, the study aimed to investigate the tendency of Internet addiction (IA) in junior high school stu-dents in Taiwan, and to further examine moderated mediation effects of refusal self-efficacy of internet use, actual social support and virtual social support on the relation-ship between depression and IA.Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS), Refusal Self-Efficacy of Internet Use Scale, Social Support Scale, Virtual Social Support Scale and The Chen Internet Addic-tion Scale (CIAS) were administrated among 1,127 junior high school students (552 fe-males) in Taiwan. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine the media-tion effect of refusal self-efficacy of internet use on the relation between depression and IA, whereas moderated mediation model was conducted by using the PROCESS macro for SPSS.The findings showed that refusal self-efficacy of internet use could partially medi-ate the effect of depression on IA. Actual and virtual social support moderated the indi-rect relationship between depression and IA via refusal self-efficacy of internet use. The results not only corresponded with TTI, and were also consistent with the buffering hy-pothesis.The study aimed to improve junior high school students’ ability to avoid IA when they were suffering from depression. The Moderated mediation model provided a com-prehensive understanding of how depression, actual social support, virtual social support and refusal self-efficacy of internet use work together to affect IA. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.憂鬱情緒現實社會支持虛擬社會支持拒網自我效能網路成癮depressionactual social supportvirtual social supportrefusal self-efficacy of internet useinternet addiction國中生憂鬱與網路成癮之相關研究:現實和虛擬社會支持與拒網自我效能的調節式中介效果模式Depression, Actual and Virtual Social Support, and Refusal Self-efficacy of Internet Use: A Moderated Mediation Model of Internet Addiction學術論文