陳秀蓉Chen, Hsiu-Jung陳曦Chen, Hsi2024-12-172024-06-282024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/17a35f60393651b2b86173ef02d3b9ac/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122523本研究目的在調查臺灣成年習慣性運動者罹患初級運動成癮的風險,與探索自尊、身體意象、心理困擾與初級運動成癮風險的關係。此為斷代研究(cross-sectional study)並使用線上問卷收案,包括:基本資料、修訂版健身運動依賴量表、Rosenberg 自尊量表中文版、身體意象關注問卷、心理困擾量表(Kessler 10)。研究共收到229 個有效樣本(126 位女性,平均年齡30.08,標準差9.51;102位男性,平均年齡30.55,標準差8.94;1 位跨性別男性),百分之六點六的受測者在運動成癮的部分達到「有風險」的等級。相關性分析指出運動成癮症狀與自尊、自尊與身體意象困擾、自尊與心理困擾皆呈顯著負相關,而運動成癮症狀與心理困擾、身體意象困擾與心理困擾呈顯著正相關。徑路分析在全體受測者指出低自尊與身體意象困擾不僅分別導致心理困擾,也透過心理困擾的中介作用導致運動成癮症狀的發生。在男性受測者中,身體意象困擾透過自尊導致心理困擾,而心理困擾進一步造成運動成癮症狀。而對女性受測者來說,低自尊、身體意象困擾、心理困擾的互動並沒有導致運動成癮症狀。研究結果建議自尊為初級運動成癮症狀發展過程中重要的保護性與貢獻性因素。未來研究建議納入受測者之應對壓力的資源(coping resources)進行分析。The study aims to surveys the percentage of primary exercise addiction (EA) risk and investigates the relationship among self-esteem, body image concern, psychological distress, and primary EA risk in Taiwanese adult regular exercisers. It is a cross-sectional study investigates participants using online questionnaires. Demographic data, Exercise Dependence Scale- Revised, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Body Image Concern Inventory, and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) were included in the online survey. Two hundred and twenty-nine responses (126 females, M age = 30.08, SD = 9.51; 102 males, M age = 30.55, SD = 8.94; 1 transgender male) were obtained. Six point six percent of participants were identified at-risk of primary EA. Correlational analysis shows a significant negative correlation between EA symptoms and self-esteem, self-esteem and body image concern, and self-esteem and psychological distress; and a significant positive correlation between EA symptoms and psychological distress and body image concern and psychological distress. Path analysis for all participants indicated that low self-esteem and body image concern contributed to psychological distress independently, and both variables further lead to primary EA risk through the mediation of psychological distress. In male participants, body image concern causes psychological distress through self-esteem, and psychological distress further leads to EA risk. The interactions of low self-esteem, body image concern, and psychological distress did not lead to EA in female participants. It is suggested that self-esteem may be an important protective factor but also a contributing factor in the development of primary EA risk. Future studies were recommended to include coping resources in the analysis.運動成癮習慣性運動者自尊身體意象困擾心理困擾exercise addictionregular exercisersself-esteembody image concernpsychological distress臺灣成年人習慣性運動者運動上癮風險與自尊、身體意象、心理困擾的關聯性研究The Study of the Relationship among Exercise Addiction Risk, Self-Esteem, Body Image, and Psychological Distress in Taiwanese Adult Regular Exercisers學術論文