李懿芳Lee, Yi-Fang平子航Ping, Tzu-Hang2019-09-042024-07-302019-09-042019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060370003H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98603本研究旨在以科技接受模式探討技術型高級中等學校學生運用數位學習平台進行專業科目課程學習之行為意圖,並分析自我導向學習在知覺易用性與知覺有用性對使用態度關係中的調節效果。本研究以台北市立及新北市立技術型高級中等學校電機電子群學生共370人為樣本,透過各校任教電工機械課程老師協助,將台達電數位學習活動納入教學活動中,再進行「台達電數位學習平台行為意圖與自我導向學習調查問卷」施測,所得量化資料採取描述性統計、結構方程模式及迴歸等方法進行統計分析。主要研究結論包括:一、技高學生運用數位學習平台學習電工機械時,對平台易用性、有用性、使用態度、行為意圖的感受程度良好。二、技高學生對數位學習平台知覺易用性、有用性、使用態度及行為意圖的整體模型適配度良好。三、技高學生自我導向學習能力越高,知覺易用性對使用態度的影響亦愈強。根據上述結論,主要建議包括:一、技高學生宜善用適當的數位學習平台協助學習,二、教師宜重視學生自我導向學習能力的提升與培養,三、未來研究可擴大研究範圍與對象之群科,以供教師、學校行政及後續相關研究之參考。This study was aimed to discuss the use of DeltaMOOCx e-learning platform among vocational high school students by exploring the behavior intention when applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Additionally, analyzing the self-directed learning upon the attitude of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness as adjustment variables, in order to understand the effectiveness. The samples of is study were more than 370 vocational high school students majored in Electrical and Electronic cluster in Taipei and New Taipei City. With the help of teachers from electric machinery relevant courses, we included the DeltaMOOCx e-learning platform into the education system, which has went forward to implementing a Questionnaire to targeted students. We have used descriptive statistics analysis, structure equation modeling analysis and regression analysis methods resulting from quantitative data, to support statistical analysis. The main research conclusion includes: 1. While Vocational High School students using the e-learning platform to study Electric machinery, the feeling of the platforms ease of use, usefulness, attitude and behavior are positive. 2. The Vocational High School students have an overall model fit for the perceived ease of use, usefulness, attitude and intentions of the e-learning platform. 3. The higher the self-directed learning skills of the vocational high school students, the stronger the perceived ease of use influences the attitudes. According to the above conclusion, the main suggestions contain: 1. The Vocational High School students are capable of using the appropriate e-learning platform to help their studies. 2. Teachers should value the promotion and cultivation of the students’ self-directed learning skills. 3. Future research can expand the study scope and group of subjects, in order for reference for teachers, school administration and the following related research.科技接受模式自我導向學習數位學習平台技術型高級中等學校Technology Acceptance ModelE-learning PlatformSelf-Directed LearningVocational High School以科技接受模式探討技術型高級中等學校學生使用數位學習平台之行為意圖:以自我導向學習為調節變項A Study on Vocational High School Students’ Behavioral Intention to Use E-learning Platform based on the Technology Acceptance Model: The Moderating Effect of Self-Directed Learning