林佳穎邱美虹林佳弘Jia-Ying Lin, Mei-Hung Chiu, Jia-Hong Lin2022-05-162022-05-162021-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115892本研究從使用目的、設計理論、教學功能與教學設計四個面向分析擴增實境在科學教育領域使用之現況,選定 42 篇於 2005 年至 2017 年間發表在科學教育領域之擴增實境文獻進行分析。研究結果發現,擴增實境之使用目的可分類為注重於真實性、注重於情境脈絡、注重於投入性、注重於輔助鷹架與注重於個別化等 5 種;擴增實境之設計理論可分類為多媒體學習理論、多重表徵理論、空間能力理論、情境學習理論、遊戲學習理論、鷹架理論、建模理論、探究學習理論等 8 種;擴增實境提供的教學功能可分類為將概念可視化、提供 3D 虛擬、模擬情境、提供沉浸感、探究實作、小組合作、建立模型、技術練習、個別化設計等 9 種教學功能;教學設計方面發現近 7 成之研究會於教學中使用特定教學策略,近年來研究多採用手持載具,並有結合新興科技之相關研究。本研究建議未來研究者可從使用目的去思考擴增實境融入教學的必要性,並能基於特定理論發展擴增實境,且能瞭解開發之擴增實境具有哪些教學功能,最後設計出適宜的教學活動以展現擴增實境之功用,期望能提供未來研究者規劃與設計擴增實境的教學研究之參考。The purpose of this research is to understand the current status of the using of augmented reality in science education, and selects 42 augmented reality literature in science education for analysis. The analysis dimensions are the purposes of using augmented reality, the design theories of augmented reality systems, the affordances of augmented reality systems and the teaching strategy. The research questions of this study are as follows: (1) What are the purposes of using augmented reality? (2) What are the design theories for augmented reality? (3) What is the affordances of augmented reality? (4) What is the instructional approaches when using augmented reality? The research results show that the purpose of using augmented reality includes focusing on authenticity, context, engagement, scaffolding, and individualization; the design theories of augmented reality includes cognitive theory of multimedia learning, multiple representations theory, inquiry-based learning, spatial ability theory, situated learning, scaffolding theory, game-based Learning; the affordance of augmented reality includes visualization, 3D virtual objects, simulated situation, immersion, inquiry, group cooperation, modeling, skill practice, and individualized design. The research found that nearly 70% of the researches use specific teaching strategies in the classroom. We suggest that future researchers should first consider the purpose of using augmented reality in teaching, and can develop augmented reality based on specific theories and understand what kinds of affordance that the developed augmented reality has. Finally, appropriate teaching activities should be designed to demonstrate the usefulness of augmented reality. We hope that this research can help future researchers plan and design augmented reality in further research.科學教育科學學習擴增實境augmented realityscience education擴增實境在科學教育的研究趨勢:2005~2017 年學術文獻回顧Augmented Reality in Science Education:Trends Analysis from 2005 to 2017