黃均人黃淑貞2019-09-062005-2-42019-09-062005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108873摘要   本研究希望透過國內開放網路教學平台,讓音樂的教與學能藉由科技的輔助,到九年一貫資訊融入各科教學的目的。當大多教師的資訊能力未能達到在網路上自行建構完整教學機制的網路教學環境時,能善用開放教學網路平台的各項能,將教材上傳至教學平台上,進行教學活動,例如:線上閱覽教材、線上測驗、線上討論…等,達到最方便且多元的網路音樂教學及數位學習模式。研究過程藉由文獻探討、實際在亞卓市、數位學校及苗栗縣站精靈網路平台開課、網路問卷調查分析、網路教學平台開課中與學生互動觀察等所獲得的相關資料,探索音樂教學於「開放網路教學平台」對音樂教師教學及學生學習成效。   根據研究的結果分析如下:   國內有不少開放教學網路平台提供教師們使用,但根據研究者在教學平台實驗過程中,發現音教學的課程非常少,可見得音樂教師使用開放教學網路平台的能力與資訊不夠,研究者發現只要善用平台的功能,就能克服大部份資訊技術問題,建造出功能多元的網路教學課程。將音樂教學課程結合開放教學網路平台教學,學生學習的意願提升很多,透過網路平台的功能,開課老師可以在線進行教學、發表、討論、評量…等活動,網路教學平台完整記錄下學習者學習歷程,提供教學者客觀多元的評量。學生的資訊能力是影響上網學習的重要關鍵,網路的使用是現在學生的基本技能與活動,在開放教學網路平台上的學習活動,能充分培養學習者對資訊的擷取、應用與分析,更能養成學生創造思考、問題解決的能力。   本研究之研究結果發現透過國內開放教學網路平台,的確讓音樂教學能藉由平台的輔助,提高教師教學的效果與學生學習的能力,進而達到九年一貫資訊融入各科學教學的目的。根據研究結果,提出建議如下:一、教育部應大力推廣及開發優秀的開放教育網路平台給國中、小學老師使用,無論是教師進修或教師於平台開課,使我們的教育資訊能在平台上互相交流,並促使學生透過網路達成終身學習的能力。二、國內開放網路教育平台對於樂譜、聲音、動態影像學的使用上略顯不便,如果國內開放網路教育平台功能可以針對音樂教學建立,相信能促進音樂教學的便利性。三、九年一貫資訊教育推動,”盡量設計資訊與各領域整合之教學”,希望藉由教學平台的使用,使藝術與人文老師更容易將資訊融入教學中。Abstract The goal of this research is to investigate the website"Network Education Platform," which has been built up on-line to help diverse teachers by communicating their digitalized teaching materials, and furthermore to suggest the advocate of the digital integration of music teaching and learning. Briefly, it comes up with the convenience and immediacy when music teachers utilize what the website has been providing during music teaching , while most teachers disable constructing an available website on-line by themselves. The Internet aids support teachers to create a field where the digital instruction and the interactive learning become possible. By the way, the Internet development leads the knowledge reform to a wider and faster level. And also this thesis reaches its conclusions by reviewing related literatures and surveying practical websites such as EduCities, K-12 Digital School and EasyTry of Miaoli County. According to the analysis of this research , the author suggests that music teachers ought to be given more access to get close to the digital tools provided on-line, because indeed they upgrade teaching and motivate students'learning. Then the author points out three directions to conclude this research. First, it is necessary for the authority of education to make the Network Education Platform more generalized and convenient. Second, some problems about music score, sound arrangement and active visual teaching apppeared on the platform need to be solved immediately so that teachers more likely to get on it. Finally, it is greatly important to construct the active framework, whichprovides a simple but supportive background for those teachers of humanity and arts, to integrate the teaching and information usage in the Nine-year Curriculum program.開放網路教學平台九年一貫資訊融入學科教學網路教學亞卓市K12數位學校苗栗縣網站精靈資訊核心能力e-learningNetwork Education platformNine-year CurriculumIntegration of Subjects Teaching and InformationInternet InstructionEduCitiesK-12 Digital SchoolEasy Try of Miaoli CountyCore Competence of InformationE-learning「開放網路教學平台」模式於國中音樂教學之行動研究