陳李綢Cheng, Li-Chou潘蘇惠PAN, Su-Hui2020-10-192024-08-202020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003012110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110268本研究旨在探討職場工作者之倦怠感、復原力與心理健康之狀況並比較其間之差異與關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為台灣地區524位職場工作者。研究工具為「成人工作態度量表」與「正向心理健康量表」,採用敘述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson Correlation與逐步迴歸分析等方法進行資料的檢驗與分析。以下為主要發現與結果: 1.職場工作者之倦怠感:40歲以下者高於51歲及以上者、無婚姻狀態者高於有婚姻狀態者、無子女者高於擁有3個子女及以上者、任職於非跨國企業者高於任職於跨國企業者、未擔任主管者高於擔任主管者、基層主管高於中高階主管;有無宗教信仰沒有差異 2.職場工作者之復原力:51歲及以上者高於50歲及以下者、有婚姻狀態者高於無婚姻狀態者、擁有2個子女及以上者高於無子女者、擔任主管者高於未擔任主管者、中高階主管高於基層主管;是否任職於跨國企業與有無宗教信仰沒有差異 3.職場工作者之心理健康:41歲及以上者高於40歲及以下者、有婚姻狀態者高於無婚姻狀態者、擁有2個子女者高於無子女者、任職於跨國企業者高於任職於非跨國企業者、擔任主管者高於未擔任主管者、高階主管高於基層主管、有宗教信仰者高於無宗教信仰者 4.職場工作者之倦怠感與復原力呈現顯著之負向相關;倦怠感與心理健康呈現顯著之負向相關;復原力與心理健康呈現顯著之正向相關 5.倦怠感與復原力能預測心理健康 6.復原力在倦怠感與心理健康之間具有部分中介效果The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among job burnout, resilience, and mental health of labors with different background variables, whether labors’ job burnout and resilience could predict their mental health, and whether resilience is a mediator in between job burnout and mental health. This study employed a questionnaire survey methodologically. There were 524 labors participated this survey. The research instruments included Work Experience Scale and Mental Health Scale. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the collected data. Below are the main findings of this study. 1.Labors’ job burnout varies significantly in some background variables. The job burnout of labors below 40 years old is higher than those more than 51 years old, single’s job burnout is higher than those with marriage, job burnout of labors who are employed by non multi-national companies is higher than those are employed by multi-national companies (MNCs), individual contributors’ job burnout is higher than people managers’, junior managers’ job burnout is higher than senior managers’. There is no difference in between people with religion or not. 2.Labors’ resilience varies significantly in some background variables. The resilience of labors more than 51 years old is higher than 50 years-old labors’ or below, the resilience of labors with marriage is higher than single’s, the resilience of labors with 2 or more children is higher than those without children, people managers’ resilience is higher than individual contributors’, senior managers’ resilience is higher than junior managers’. No significant difference in between people are employed by MNCs or not, and people are with religion or not. 3.Labors’ mental health varies significantly in all background variables. The mental health of labors more than 41 years old is better than 40 years-old labors’ or below, the mental health of labors with marriage is better than single’s, the mental health of labors with 2 children is better than those without children, the mental health of labors working in MNCs is better than those not working in MNCs, people managers’ mental health is better than individual contributors’, senior managers’ mental health is better than junior managers’, the mental health of labors with religion is better than those without religion. 4.There is significant negative correlation in between labors’ job burnout and resilience, labors’ job burnout and mental health, and a significant positive correlation exists in between labors’ resilience and mental health. 5.Job burnout and resilience could predict mental health. 6.The relationship between job burnout and mental health is partially mediated by resilience.心理健康倦怠感復原力BurnoutMental healthResilience職場工作者之倦怠感、復原力與心理健康之研究A study on the relationships among labors’ job burnout, resilience and mental health