林安邦An-pan Lin鮑淑娟Shu-Chuan Pao2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0596101218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85608  本研究旨在探討澎湖縣中小學教師管教態度與管教行為之現況,並分析中小學教師之性別、學校層級、師資養成方式、任教年資、現任職務及任教領域,影響其管教態度與管教行為的差異情形,以作為教育行政機關及中小學教師在管教政策與管教措施上之參考。   本研究採取問卷調查方式蒐集相關資料,研究者以相關研究的有效問卷為依據,經專家審題與項目分析,自編成「澎湖縣中小學教師管教態度與管教行為之調查問卷」為研究工具,以723位中小學教師為普測對象,進行實證研究。調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析法進行統計分析,依據研究結果作成結論,並提出建議事項。   本研究獲致研究結論如下: 一、澎湖縣中小學教師的管教態度大多數是正確、積極的。 二、澎湖縣中小學教師多數認同正向管教政策,但仍有約半數教師認為體罰對大部分學生的行為導正是有效果的。 三、多數教師認同若本身具備人權素養,及培養學生法治觀念、遵守團體紀律,將有助於增進師生關係,減少師生衝突。 四、澎湖縣中小學教師認為校方應提供友善環境以創造出好的校園氛圍。 五、澎湖縣中小學教師採用體罰方式管教學生的情形比例頗低。 六、澎湖縣過半數的中小學教師認為應擁有絕對的權威,才能有效管教學生的行為。 七、國小教師所知覺的管教態度明顯地比國中教師積極、正向。 八、不論是在管教態度或是管教行為上,澎湖縣教師兼行政人員皆比專(科)任教師、導師的表現還佳。 九、澎湖縣中小學教師的管教態度與管教行為兩者間有顯著的正相關。  This research aims at discussing the current trends on the elementary and junior high school teachers’ discipline attitudes and behaviors. Through the analysis of the differences affecting the mother groups’ discipline attitudes and behaviors according to their genders, levels of schools, ways of acquiring teacher qualifications , roles in curriculum and subjects lecturing in school, the research hence supplies references for the education administration and elementary and junior high school teachers’discipline attitudes and behaviors .   The research collected data with questionnaires. The researcher developed the research tools “The questionnaires on the elementary and junior high school teachers’ discipline attitudes and behaviors in Penghu County.” The mother group consisted of seven hundred twenty three elementary and junior high school teachers. The data were analyzed through Descriptive Statistics, Independent Sample t-test, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Step-wise Regression Analysis.   The research results find facts as follows: First, most of the discipline attitudes of the elementary and junior high school teachers in Penghu County were correct and positive. Second, most of the elementary and junior high school teachers supported positive discipline policy; nevertheless, nearly half of them regarded corporal punishments assist correcting most students’ misbehaviors. Third, most teachers believed that it helped to enhance the relationship of teachers and students as well as decreasing the conflict between teacher and students as long as the teachers equiped themselves with democratic ideas, meanwhile helping students develop ideas of regulations and abiding by group disciplines. Fourth, the elementary and junior high school teachers in Penghu County believed that the school authorities should provide friendly campus environments to create nice campus atmosphere. Fifth, the elementary and junior high school teachers seldom used corporal punishments to correct their students. Sixth, over half of the elementary and junior high school teachers in Penghu County believed absolute authorities were keys to correcting students’ misbehaviors effectively. Seventh, elementary school teachers’ discipline attitudes are apparently more positive than junior high school teachers’ discipline attitudes. Eighth, teachers who also worked as administration members performed better those who worked as full-time teachers or homeroom teachers either in their discipline attitudes or discipline behaviors. Ninth, there were apparent positive relations in the elementary and junior high school teachers’ discipline attitudes and discipline behaviors.管教權學生人權正向管教管教態度管教行為right of disciplinestudents’ human rightspositive disciplinediscipline attitudesdiscipline behaviors澎湖縣中小學教師管教態度與管教行為之調查研究A Research on Penghu County K-9 Teachers’ Discipline Attitudes and Behavior