蕭顯勝康雅菁Hsiao, Hsien-ShengKang, Ya-Chin楊嬿菁Yang, yen-ching2023-12-082026-08-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2e804ea00c8253cd1ffffac8178c643e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120432本研究旨在探究政府機關在推動數位化變革的過程當中,員工數位準備度、自我效能、工作敬業與適應性績效間的關聯影響。研究對象為臺北市某政府機關的員工,採 Google 線上表單問卷進行調查,有效問卷為 426 份,後續以 SPSS 23 統計軟體及 PROCESS V4.1 等執行數據描述性分析、差異性分析、相關分析、迴歸分析及中介效果驗證,研究結果整理如下:一、數位準備度對自我效能、工作敬業及適應性績效皆具有顯著性正向影響;二、自我效能對工作敬業及適應性績效具有顯著性正向影響;三、工作敬業對適應性績效具有顯著性正向影響;四、自我效能在數位準備度及適應性績效之間具有中介效果;五、工作敬業在數位準備度及適應性績效之間具有中介效果;六、自我效能及工作敬業在數位準備度與適應性績效間呈現遠程中介效果。依據研究結論提出實務管理的有效建議,供政府機關未來在推動數位轉型時的人力資源策略與應用之參考。The study is aimed to exploring the correlation of employee digital readiness, self-efficacy, work engagement, and adaptive performance. The object of this research were public sector employees in Taipei city. Google online questionnaire was used. A total of 426 valid samples were obtained. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Digital readiness have significant impacts on self-efficacy, work engagement and adaptive performance. 2. Self-efficacy have significant impacts on work engagement and adaptive performance. 3. Work engagement has a significant impact on adaptive performance. 4. Self-efficacy plays a mediating role between digital readiness and adaptive performance. 5. Work engagement plays a mediating role between digital readiness and adaptive performance. 6. Self-efficacy and work engagement play serial mediating role between digital readiness and adaptive performance. It is expected the results of the study can provide humanresource practical management suggeestions for the public sectors while implementing digital transformation in the future.數位準備度自我效能工作敬業適應性績效digital readinessself efficacywork engagementadaptive performance員工數位準備度、自我效能、工作敬業與適應性績效之關聯性研究─以臺北市某政府機關為例The Correlation of Employee Digital Readiness, Self Efficacy, Work Engagement and Adaptive Performance—A Case Study of Public Sector in Taipei cityetd