李勤岸Li chin-an李佩瑄Lee pei-hsuan2019-08-292011-7-102019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696260098%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93323本研究打算透過《漢文讀本》來了解公學校漢文教育進行的情形。總督府分別於1904年以及1919年發行兩套《漢文讀本》,分別是《台灣教科用書漢文讀本》以及《公學校用漢文讀本》。這是因為1904年漢文獨立設科,成為公學校的教學科目之一,需要有教科書,1919年重新發行《漢文讀本》,是因為漢文科時數減少,教科書要作修改。本論文打算透過《漢文讀本》來了解當時學童的學習內容,以及透過當時的雜誌了解漢文科實際教學的情形。換言之,以《漢文讀本》為主,以雜誌輔助《漢文讀本》,呈現公學校漢文教育的情形。 本論文的研究目的為探討公學校漢文教育的演變、公學校漢文教科書的內容、日語借詞使漢文近代化。因為總督府的政策會影響到公學校的漢文教育,漢文教學時數減少的同時,教科書也必須配合教學時數減少而作修改,可見總督府的政策會影響到公學校的課程及教材。總督府採取逐漸減少漢文教學時數的政策,降低學童學習漢文的機會。但是,從教科書可以了解到學童的學習內容,以及統治者傳授給學童的知識,因為統治者握有編教科書的主導權,可以決定學童要學習哪方面的知識。此外,《漢文讀本》也帶來了日語借詞,日語借詞融入漢文詞彙,幫助漢文近代化,因為在介紹近代化事物以及新觀念時,漢文找不到對應的詞彙,只能從日語借用,因此帶來日語借詞。學童在公學校吸收近代化事物及新觀念的同時,也吸收了日語借詞,使日語借詞成為漢文詞彙的一部份。This research is meant to shed light on the situation of the Common School education during Japanese rule, through the analysis of The Chinese Reader. The Governor-General of Taiwan distributed The Chinese Reader in 1904 and 1919, being The Taiwan Chinese Textbook Manual and Chinese Reader for Common Schools respectively. Due to Classical Chinese being established as an independent course in the Common School system in 1904, a proper textbook was needed; later in 1919, a new edition of The Chinese Reader was distributed in order to match the reduction of curriculum hours for Classical Chinese. This thesis will analyze the primary school curriculum’s use of The Chinese Reader, as well as the situation of Classical Chinese education in the Common Schools through exploration of the journals during that time. In other words, through The Chinese Reader and its auxiliary journals, the nature of Common School Classical Chinese education during Japanese rule will be shown. This goal of this research is to spark discussion on the evolution of Classical Chinese education in the public schools, on the contents of the Chinese Common School textbooks and on the modernization of Classical Chinese through Japanese loanwords. When the number of hours for Classical Chinese was reduced, a new textbook was needed to match the revisions, showing that the Governor-General’s policies indeed affected the curriculum and teaching materials. Bit by bit, the Governor-General adopted policies related to this reduction of hours, diminishing opportunity for primary schoolchildren to learn Classical Chinese. However, it is through these textbooks that we are able to learn more about the primary school education of the time and the knowledge imparted on the schoolchildren by the Japanese rulers, who wielded the power to alter the educational materials. As such, we can unmistakably pinpoint the source of knowledge received by the schoolchildren. Furthermore, The Chinese Reader also contained Japanese loanwords integrated with its vocabulary, aiding the modernization of Classical Chinese, which was unable to provide new vocabulary during the introduction of modernization. Primary schoolchildren of the time absorbed these new ideas, as well as their corresponding Japanese loanwords, which became one part of Chinese vocabulary.公學校漢文教育漢文讀本日治時期近代化借詞Common SchoolsClassical Chinese EducationChinese ReaderJapanese RuleModernizationLoanwords從漢文讀本看日治時期公學校漢文教育的近代化Common School Classical Chinese education mordernization during Japanese rule, through the The Chinese Reader.