林靜萍Ching-Ping , Lin謝育臻Yu-Chen, Hsieh2019-09-052011-7-252019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697300106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105775本研究目的在瞭解臺北市國小體育班學生就讀動機及學校適應現況,比較不同背景變項就讀動機與學校適應的差異情形並探討就讀動機與學校適應的相關。研究對象為臺北市九十九學年度國小體育班學生,以自編之「臺北市國小體育班學生就讀動機及學校適應問卷」為研究工具,所得資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及典型相關分析等統計方式處理,所有顯著水準訂為α=.05。研究發現臺北市國小體育班學生: 一、在就讀動機以「知識與技術」重視程度高於「成就與獎賞」、「推薦與鼓勵」及「興趣與逃避」。 二、學校適應情形良好,得分依序為「人際關係適應」、「運動訓練適應」及「學業學習適應」。 三、願意繼續就讀國中體育班之學生,在就讀動機與學校適應皆高於尚未決定與就讀國中體育班之學生。 四、就讀動機及學校適應具有典型相關關係。 針對研究結果,提出以下建議: 一、學校應提供好的體育班學習環境,滿足體育班學生「知識與技術」的學習需求。 二、國小體育班學生願意繼續就讀國中體育班情形偏低,建議相關單位應建立三級升學制度改善現有困難。 三、學校應該重視體育班學生學業適應情形,建立相關輔導機制,改善學業學習適應。The purpose of present study was to identify the current status and compare the differences among selected demographic variables on learning motivation and school adaptation for athletics classes of the elementary school students in Taipei City. Then examine the relationship between their learning motivation and school adaptation. Take from arranging the” learning motivation and school adaptation in athletics classes of the elementary school students in Taipei City questionnaire” as study tool. Descriptive statistics, independent sample T-test, One way ANOVA, and Canonical Correlation analysis were computed for data analysis. All significant level set at α=.05. The research find that athletics classes of the elementary school students in Taipei City: (a). Regarding learning motivation factors, “Knowledge and Skills” gets the highest rank compared to others, including “Achievements and Rewards”, “Recommendation and Encourage”, and “Interest and Escape”. (b). The school adaptation situation is good. The score is in order “Interpersonal relationship adaptation”, “Movement training adaptation”, and “Studies study adaptation”. (c). Continue to go study of the athletics classes students “learning motivation” and “school adaptation” score is more than “Not yet decided” and “Go study of the ordinary class”. (d). The canonical correlation relations was found between learning motivation and school adaptation. In these findings, it is suggested that: (a). The school should provide the good athletics class learning environment. Satisfies the athletics class student “knowledge and skill” study demand . (b). Athletics classes of the elementary school students’ will to keep study in the athletics classes of the junior high school is low. It is highly recommended that the educational facilities should establish third-level entering a higher school system in order to improve existing difficulty. (c). The school should take care of athletics class students on their study adaptation situation. Establishe the related counselling mechanism, and improvement studies study adaptation.體育班就讀動機學校適應Athletic classLearning motivationSchool adaptation臺北市國小體育班學生就讀動機及學校適應之研究A study of learning motivation and school adaptation for athletics classes of the elementary school students in Taipei City