鹿智鈞Lu Chih-Chun2019-08-122019-08-122010-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84341萬曆四十三年(1615),努爾哈齊基於團結部眾的考量,建立了結合軍事、行政與經濟等職能為一體的八旗制度。從此以後,八旗制度在滿洲政權統一東北與征服中原的許多戰役中,始終扮演著重要的角色,旗人也成為皇帝心目中的「國家根本」。身為清朝統治中國的一大特色,八旗制度自孟森撰有〈八旗制度考實〉一文以來,長期受到治清史者的關注;而近年來在「新清史」的帶動下,相關研究顯得更加蓬勃。有鑑於此,本文茲以八旗制度的中文論著為對象,分為八旗制度的建立與發展、駐防制度與滿漢關係、八旗組織中的各民族成員、八旗生計與整飭旗務以及八旗制度的其他研究面向共五方面進行回顧與討論,期待能呈現近二十年來八旗制度的研究趨勢。In 1615, Nurhaci set up the Eight Banner system combining the functions of military, administration and economy. Afterwards, the Eight Banner system played an important role in many campaigns which led the Manchu regime to conquer China and build an empire. Accordingly, the bannermen became the “foundation of the nation” in the Manchu emperor's mind. Scholars studying Qing history generally regard the Eight Banner system as the unique institution for the history of China, so they pay close attention to it. Recently, related research is flourishing since the “New Qing History” pushes ahead with it. Therefore, this essay will introduce and criticize some researches written by Chinese scholars about Eight Banner system from 1989 to 2009. It is divided into five parts: the establishment and development of the Eight Banner system, the Eight Banner garrisons and the relationship between Manchus and Chinese, the membership of the Eight Banner system, the life of the bannermen and the rectification of the banners’ affairs, and the other aspects of the Eight Banner system.八旗制度新清史駐防八旗滿漢關係新滿洲漢軍八旗生計旗地Eight Banner SystemEight Banner garrisonsthe relationship between Manchus and ChineseChinese-martial Bannermenlife of the bannermenbanners’ land近二十年來(1989-2009)八旗制度研究的回顧與討論A Research Review of the Eight Banner System Since 1989 to 2009