李晶Li Ching張珮萱Chang Pei-Hsuan2019-09-052013-05-052019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698310196%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107820在西方國家,打工度假制度已流行許久,近年來,在臺灣也開始盛行。由於打工度假可在當地合法打工賺取不足的旅費的特性,逐漸受到想出國旅遊卻資金不足的青少年的推崇。本研究之目的為探討臺灣赴日打工度假的現況、了解臺灣打工度假客的特質、了解臺灣打工度假客赴日的工作參與型態、分析臺灣打工度假客赴日的文化體驗並探討臺灣打工度假客赴日的工作參與型態對文化體驗的影響。本研究以滾雪球抽樣的方式,選出5位曾經參與日本打工度假並已返回臺灣的日本打工度假參與者做為研究對象,並在2011年3、4月進行深度訪談。研究結果發現,赴日打工度假客工作參與型態以從事飯店或餐廳中的外場服務生或以整理房間為主要工作內容的房務員為主,打工時數為5~10小時,時薪為日幣650~1100圓以上;日本文化體驗方面以心理(消除壓力、製造回憶、自我實現)、社交體驗(增加見聞、學習新事物、結交新朋友)為主。赴日打工度假客工作參與型態對文化體驗的影響以工作地點的不同(關東與關西地區)會有語言腔調上的影響以及工作內容的不同(外場以及非外場)是否會直接接觸到客人的不同會造成溝通上的影響為主。本研究結果可提供赴日打工度假客在選擇赴日打工度假前的參考依據,在前往日本打工度假前,必須了解打工度假中工作也是其中的一環,亦可從其中得到文化體驗,然而,日本人重視工作態度,因此,建議打工度假客必須在赴日打工度假時必須抱著敬業的態度進行打工度假。It is legal to have part-time job to earn traveling expenses in other countries because of working holiday visa.Working holiday became popular among the youth who wanted to travel but lack of money. The purposes of this study were to understand the characteristics, working type, to analyze the cultural experience, to explore the influence of working type on the cultural experience at working holiday in Japan. This study applied the interview with the subjects had been involved in working holiday in Japan and returned Taiwan in March and April 2011. The results showed that the type of work about working holiday in Japan included waiters in restaurants and housekeepers in hotels. Working hour was from 5 to 10 hours, the salary was from 650 to 1100 yen. The physiological aspect of cultural experience in Japan was relaxation. The psychological aspect of cultural experience in Japan was to eliminate stress, to create memories, and self-realization. The social aspect of cultural experience in Japan was to increase knowledge, to learn new things, and to make new friends. The influence of working type on cultural experience included to understand different tones and dialects in the different working areas, the different contents of the work caused the impact of communication. The findings might provide some advices to people who want to go working holiday in Japan. Before you go to Japan to work,you have to know that working is not only a part of working holiday but also can obtain the cultural experience from it. However, working attitude is very important to Japanese, therefore the study suggested participants should take good working attitude during working holiday in Japan.打工度假工作參與型態文化體驗working holidayworking typecultural experience赴日打工度假工作參與型態對文化體驗的影響之研究The study on the influence of working type participants cultural experience at working holiday in Japan