呂佳霖2014-10-272014-10-272007-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15883手語是許多聽障者的主要溝通模式,因此在許多重要場合中,如醫療、大型會議、職業訓練、融合教育環境等,以手語為主要語言的聽障者便有賴手語翻譯員將訊息轉譯。本研究以兩名手語翻譯員為研究對象,以實際訪談方式蒐集其翻譯服務經驗;以了解翻譯員翻譯服務經驗之真實感受。分析訪談資料,可從三個自由浮現之主題來加以描述,分別是:一、實際參與翻譯服務;二、對翻譯員守則的遵守與尊重;三、對聾朋友和手語翻譯的期待。最後探討存在其中關於經驗本質的共通主題,包括「以聾為尊」、「外在規範到自我要求」、「改善啟聰教育與促進手語翻譯專業化」。Sign language is one of the main methods of communication for many deaf people. Deaf people who sign depend on the sign language interpreters to translate oral information for them in many situations, such as in hospital, conference, occupation training, and inclusive education, and so on.   In this study 2 sign language interpreters served as the research objects. Their interpreting experiences were collected via interview. Data was analyzed and 3 themes were found: 1. actual participation in interpreting services; 2. the regulations for interpreters were observed and respected; 3. expectation for deaf people and sign language interpretation. Finally, the experience essences, including "proud of being deaf', "from the external standard to self-demand" and "the improvement of deaf education and sign language interpreting" were discussed.手語手語翻譯個案研究Sign languageSign language interpretingCase study手語翻譯員翻譯服務經驗之個案研究A Case Study of Sign Language Interpreters' Interpreting Experiences