謝佳叡Chia-Jui Hsieh2016-05-102016-05-102014-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78891本研究試圖從數學教學概念心像的角度,探討中學數學實習教師在面對數學教學問題時,所展現出的教學決策與其背後認知結構。在各個不同的教學面向中,本文從學生參與面向出發,檢視中學數學實習教師在面對教學問題時所喚起之數學教學概念心像,以及其與教學決策之間的關聯。研究資料收集主要採用問卷調查方式,研究樣本則採方便取樣對2009年1月之臺師大數學實習教師進行普測,共計回收有效問卷62份。資料分析方式主要採取內容分析、歸納分析等方法。研究的主要發現包含:一、臺灣中學數學實習教師在學生參與面向概念心像的自發展現中,主要呈現讓學生專注課堂、讓學生自主學習,以及教學生活化等三種類型。二、對於學生參與的程度與方式,實習教師首重於學生的情感參與,在作法上則多偏向將課程與生活做連結。三、在含教學情境問題方面,半數以上的實習教師在新概念引入教學上展現出學生參與的心像,其中又以情感參與為主;而在學生不專心上課的處理上,大多數的實習教師則與行為參與產生聯繫,其次才是情感參與,此現象也反映出不同的教學情境將喚起實習教師不同的學生參與心像。研究也發現多數展現學生參與心像的實習教師也經常伴隨著其他面向的概念心像,尤其在學生情意面向心像與教學方法面向。While observing teachers working, we found that they must make numerous decisions in managing the teaching situations that can occur within only a few moments. Based on the concept image for mathematics teaching (CIMT), this study investigated the bases on which secondary school intern teachers of mathematics in Taiwan choose certain strategies when engaging in teaching tasks, and examined the cognitive structure of the responses. This paper addresses student engagement in the mathematics classroom and the type of CIMT that is evoked when mathematics intern teachers engage in tasks related to mathematics instruction. We found that (a) through various teaching concepts, most intern teachers seldom spontaneously evoke the concept images of student engagement; (b) most intern teachers lay particular stress on students' emotional engagement and their connection between the curriculum and real-life experience; and (c) in practical teaching situations, intern teachers emphasize emotional engagement when introducing a new concept, but emphasize behavioral engagement when students do not concentrate in class. This study also established that most intern teachers who evoke the image of student engagement generally evoke the image of student affection and the image of teaching methods at the same time.學生參與數學教學概念心像數學實習教師student engagementconcept image for mathematics teachingmathematics intern teacher中學數學實習教師之學生參與概念心像探究Concept Images for Mathematics Teaching of Mathematics Intern Teachers: The Aspect of Student Engagement