唐淑華Tang, Shu-Hua李宜純Lee, Yi-Chun2023-12-082026-02-072023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/06570315787fe379d094bb59c8293540/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119427本研究旨在探討提問策略融入少年小說教學對國中體育班學生閱讀動機之影響,並深入瞭解研究者在教學過程中可能遭遇的困難及解決策略,以及學生對於本方案的態度與意見。研究者以小說《黑暗中的願望》為文本,嘗試以提問策略轉化文本內容,連結體育班學生生活經驗,為學生搭建提問鷹架,進行閱讀教學與討論,以改善其閱讀動機。本研究採用行動研究法,研究對象為研究者所任教之國中九年級體育班學生17人,研究者本身就是教學者及觀察者。為達研究目的,本研究所蒐集的資料有:提問單、自編ARCS閱讀動機語句完成表、半結構式訪談及研究者省思札記,來觀察學生閱讀動機的改善狀況,以及學生對本方案的態度與意見。經過執行為期八週的小說教學方案後顯示:一、提問策略在不同閱讀程度的體育班學生皆產生不同效應二、異質分組與明確任務能激發學生更多討論與解題的火花三、主題式閱讀與具體回饋能協助體育班學生改善閱讀動機根據上述研究結果,研究者也提出相關建議,以作為未來在體育班施作小說教學方案設計之參考。The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect on reading motivation of junior high school PE students by integrating the questioning teaching strategy with juvenile novel, and study on the issues which the researcher may encountered during this process and its corresponded solutions. Furthermore, the researcher also collected the feedback from students after proceeded the target teaching strategy. To improve the students’ reading motivation, the researcher attempts to apply scaffolding questioning strategy through a novel—A Wish in the Dark and connecting the novel to the life experiences of PE students. The researcher (was both a teacher and an observer) adopted action research, a total of 17 junior high 9th-grade PE students enrolled in a school which the researcher teach in were selected to participate in this study. To achieve the goal of this research and observe the improvement of students’ reading motivation, the collected data contains questionnaire (including problems raised by the teacher and self-made ARCS motivation model), semi-structured interview and researcher’s self-reflection notes. After the experimental instruction was carried out for 8 weeks, the conclusions are shown as below:1. The questioning teaching strategy will bring different effects among the students in different levels of reading ability.2. After applying the heterogeneous grouping and goal-oriented teaching methods, students have more inspiration on discussion and solving problems.3. Reading the novel based on discussing the specific topic raised by the teacher and giving concrete feedback to students can significantly improve their reading motivation.According to the results of this research, the researcher provided suggestions for PE class teachers who aim to proceed teaching strategy through novels in the future.提問策略少年小說教學國中體育班閱讀動機Questioning Teaching StrategyJuvenile Novel TeachingJunior High School’s PE ClassReading Motivation運用提問策略融入少年小說教學對國中體育班學生閱讀動機之影響:以《黑暗中的願望》為例The Effect on Reading Motivation of Junior High PE Students: Apply Questioning Teaching Strategy Through A Juvenile Novel—A Wish in the Darkreport_pro