謝邦昌曲兆祥Ben-Chang ShiaChao-Hsiang Chu蔡秀菁Tsai Hsiu Chin2019-08-282013-1-262019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0897100023%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85756為了檢證與建構台灣地區解嚴後,國家與宗教互動的理論。筆者以〈宗教團體法草案〉制定的過程為個案研究。 希望理解達到下列六項問題,以豐富「政教關係」理論內涵: 一、〈宗教團體法草案〉的具體內容。 二、〈宗教團體法草案〉的內容中有那些爭議? 三、國家宗教主管官署、宗教團體領袖及宗教學者,對〈宗教團體法草案〉的意向為何? 四、國家展現在〈宗教團體法草案〉的「意向」,其內在的形成因素。 五、宗教團體展現在〈宗教團體法草案〉的「意向」,其內在形成的因素。 六、未來〈宗教團體法草案〉通過後,對宗教團體、國家各有何影響? 就「研究意義」而言,具有「學科領域的突破」、「個案研究檢證『新國家主義』與『多元主義』」、「質化與量化研究的結合探索『政教關係』」與「民意測驗理解當前產、官、學三類菁英意向」等四個特色,既對本土政教關係理論具有開創性的指標意義,也修正並豐富了「新國家主義」與「多元主義」的理論。In this study, I want to construct and verify theory of the state and religion relation in Taiwan. I choose the case study-“act of the religious groups”, focus on the state elites making decision process. I hope through following questions, and can get new ideas for building theory of the state and religious relation. 1.What’s contents in the “act of religious groups”? 2.Are there some conflicts between state elites and religious groups leaders in the “act of religious groups”? 3.What’s autonomy between the religious bureaucracy, religious leaders and religious scholars in the “act of religious groups”? 4.What’s variables can influence when state autonomy be formed in the “act of religious groups”? 5.What’s variables can influence when religious groups autonomy be formed in the “act of religious groups”? 6.What’s impact to the state and religious groups, when act of religious group pass in the feature? We can find some new meaning in this research, there are four key points: 1.It is using political science discipline to research this topic, and get new ideas. 2.It is using case study to verify new-statism. 3.It is using quantitative and qualitative research method to explore the theory of state and religion relation. 4.It is using survey and questionnaire to understand the elites autonomy of the state, religious groups and scholars. It can create the theory of state and religion relation in Taiwan, and it also can modify neo-statism, pluralism theory in the political science.宗教團體法政教互動新國家主義多元主義宗教團體自由act of religious groupsinteraction between state and religionneo-statismpluralismreligious groups freedom政教互動與宗教團體自由權限—『宗教團體法草案』個案研究(1997-2012)Interaction between state and religion on the religious freedom-case study for the “act of religious groups” (1997-2012)