張育愷Chang, Yu-Kai潘彥智Pan, Yan-Zhi2024-12-172027-08-162024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5b457fb518735c142b59a57d3266cc04/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123619情感性疾患 (mood disorder) 在全球之高盛行率,造成對經濟與醫療成本的龐大負擔,已成為全球關注的健康照護議題。情感性疾患目前兩項主要之治療方式 (身體治療與心理治療) 都有其限制,健身運動對於情感性疾患之效益引起學者關注。聚焦情感性疾患族群之研究發現,進行中等強度持續性運動與高強度間歇運動能改善其憂鬱症狀以及其他健康指標,但臨床情感性疾患族群進行單次高強度間歇運動的效益之探討仍有所不足。故本研究希望比較臨床情感性疾患族群進行高不同情境介入後抑制控制、憂鬱心情、愉悅感與血乳酸差異,並以神經電生理指標,探討背後可能機制。本研究共招募23位平均年齡36.3歲之臨床情感性疾患族群 (男:5;女:18),進行單次20分鐘之高強度間歇運動、中等強度持續性運動與控制情境介入,於介入前後進行憂鬱心情、愉悅感與血乳酸測量,並於介入後進行叫色測驗與腦波記錄。結果發現單次20分鐘中等強度持續性運動可以顯著提升愉悅感和增加P3振幅,單次20分鐘高強度間歇運動可以顯著提升愉悅感與血乳酸。本研究顯示兩種運動情境相較控制情境無負面影響並提升愉悅感,且有作為輔助治療手段的潛力,故可依自身喜好與目的選擇健身運動形式,獲取健身運動的額外效益。The high prevalence of mood disorders globally has created a substantial burden on economic and medical costs, it has become a global health care issue of concern. The two main current treatment methods for mood disorders (physical therapy and psychotherapy) both have their limitations, and the benefits of fitness exercise for mood disorders have attracted scholarly attention. Research focusing on mood disorder populations has found that moderate-intensity continuous exercise and high-intensity interval exercise can improve depressive symptoms and other health indicators. However, there is still a lack of investigation into the benefits of a single session of high-intensity interval exercise for clinical mood disorder patients. Therefore, this study aims to compare clinical mood disorder patients' inhibitory control, depressive mood, pleasure, and blood lactate differences after interventions. Neurophysiological indicators are used to explore the possible underlying mechanisms. The current study recruited 23 clinical mood disorder patients with an average age of 36.3 years (male: 5; female: 18). They underwent single 20-minute sessions of high-intensity interval training, moderate-intensity continuous training, and control session interventions. Measurements of depressive mood, pleasure, and blood lactate were taken before and after the interventions, and Stroop tests and EEG recordings were con-ducted after the interventions. Results showed that a single 20-minute moderate-intensity continuous training session could significantly increase pleasure and P3 amplitude, while a single 20-minute high-intensity interval training session could significantly increase pleasure and blood lactate levels. The current study demonstrates that both exercise session, compared to the control session, have no negative impacts and increase pleasure, showing potential as supplementary treatment. Therefore, individuals can choose their preferred form of fitness exercise based on personal preferences and goals to obtain additional benefits from physical exercise.精神疾患憂鬱症重鬱症躁鬱症失樂感急性運動憂鬱運動強度執行功能認知功能P3Mental illnessdepressive disprdermajor depressive disorderbipolar disorderanhedoniaacute exercisedepressionexercise intensityexecutive functioncognitive functionP3急性中等強度持續性運動與高強度間歇運動對情感性疾患族群抑制控制、憂鬱心情、愉悅感與血乳酸之影響:事件關聯電位研究The effect of acute MICT and HIIT on inhibition, depressive mood, pleasure and blood lactate in mood disorder patients: An event-related potential study學術論文