國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所周嫦娥陳子瑋徐孝義許楓靈邱方正洪秀琪徐秀芬2015-07-032015-07-032003/01-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=814591http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73826流通業為各國經濟活動中最重要的一環,為促進產業的成長與發展,有必要針對流通業進行深入探討,以充分掌握其現況與趨勢,並妥善規劃相關因應措施及政策。第一(九十)年度計畫中,本計畫已清楚界定流通業的定義、範圍與分類,同時針對超級市場進行調查;第二(九十一)年度.計畫則進行百貨公司、購物中心、連鎖式便利商店、非連鎖式便利商店與量販店之產業調查,並提出流通產業統計資料整合方式建言,建立流通產業整體經濟評估模式,以及探討知識經濟下流通產業發展趨勢等。 本年度計畫將本於過去兩年之基礎,針對3C產品流通業、食品日用品業、藥妝業、成衣服飾品業與圖書視聽娛樂品業等五個業種進行調查,並依調查結果建立電子資料庫。同時將以案例探討方式與經濟效益評估模型分析流通產業自動化與電子化之成效;本計畫亦將分析流通產業內與相關產業間之整合現象,探討企業透過發展規模經濟降低經營成本之道。最後根據最新資訊與產業調查結果在流通產業政策架構下提出執行方案,供政府主管機關參考。 本年度計畫之預期成果可歸納為下列數項:(一)持續進行流通產業調查,以呈現產業全貌;(二)進行流通產業自動化與電子化經濟效益評估,協助各界瞭解企業電子化後所帶來之成效;(三)分析流通產業整合現象,深入探討未來整體產業之發展趨勢;(四)提出細部執行方案建言,協助政府有關單位制定適切的產業政策,推動產業之健全發展;(五)建置並維護計畫網站,提供產業資訊,做為流通產業資訊交流橋樑,進而協助政府發展流通產業之知識經濟。The distribution sector is the core of economic activities today. In order to assess its impacts on the economy, it is necessary to analyze the industry to elucidate its present status and future development, so as to formulate appropriate government policies. The first-year study defined and classified the distribution sector in a comprehensive fashion, and conducted a survey of supermarkets. In the second year, department stores, shopping malls, convenient stores, and warehousing stores were surveyed. Other tasks completed in the second year include a proposal of integrating current statistic data; establishment of a analytical model; and a study of trends in the era of knowledge-based economy. Based on the previous studies, the purpose of this research is to conduct large-scale industrial surveys of 3C retail chain stores, food products & household products, healthcare products & cosmetics, clothing & apparel accessories, and books & entertainment products. Based on these surveys, an electronic database will be established. This research will also evaluate the effects of e-business by economic modeling and case studies. The effects of the integration of distribution industry will be studied since economies of scale is a characteristic of the distribution sector. This research will also analyze how the government can help the industries to adjust to the new economy. Major objectives of this project of this year will include: (1) surveys to facilitate a better understand of the industry; (2) evaluating the economic effects of automatizaton and digitization to understand the benefits of e-commerce; (3) analyzing the integration of wholesaling and retailing industry for the future trends; (4) to provide detailed action plans for future government policies; (5) establishing a website to serve as a bridge between the government, the industry, and the public.流通業3C產品流通業食品日用品業藥妝業成衣服飾品業圖書視聽娛樂品業電子化企業流通產業整合Distribution Sector3C Retail Chain StoresFood Products & Household ProductsHealthcare Products & CosmeticsClothing & Apparel AccessoriesBooks & Entertainment Productse-BusinessIntegration of Distribution Sector流通業產業分析規劃計畫The Study on the Distribution Sector