張恩崇Chang, En-Chung蕭憶玲HSIAO, I-LING2022-06-082021-10-262022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/864711c8774651afce3bb7144e05a34a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118468動機:本研究在於試圖了解企業排球聯賽現場觀眾觀賞動機、觀賞滿意度之關聯性或是觀眾對於觀看企業排球聯賽是否有不同觀感,作為臺灣排球企業排球聯賽推廣觀賞運動之參考。目的:為比較2017年和2020年相隔三年現場觀眾的不同性別和人口背景特性觀賞動機和觀賞滿意度是否達顯著差異。方法:採用引用李國銘2017年自編研究量表以便利實施問卷施測,預計施測450份問卷,有效問卷總計400份。經以描述性及推論統計、單因子變異數分析得最後結論。 結論:企聯排球聯賽的現場觀眾以女性(69.8%)為多數,年齡層以年輕族群20歲以下(53.5%)為主,職業大多數為學生(70.8%),教育程度為大學(58.3%)的比例最高,婚姻狀況以未婚者(93.3%)居多。企業排球聯賽現場觀眾最重要的觀賞動機為吸引力(平均數4.49),其次為休閒娛樂(平均數4.17)、社會需求(平均數4.15)、個人偏好(平均數4.10),從排序中得知,對於球員的比賽態度、優越的技術表現等,較能吸引觀眾到場觀賞球賽;觀賞滿意度得分最高為球賽精采度(平均數4.23),其次依序為專業表現(平均數4.18)、周邊服務(平均數3.90);大部分的觀賞願意再次進場觀賞比賽。觀賞動機與觀賞滿意度對再次觀賞意願有顯著預測力。Motivation:This research is trying to understand the relationship between spectators’motivation,their viewing satisfaction,and if different spectators have different perspectives while watching Top Volleyball League.This study aimed to be the reference when promoting watching the Top Volleyball League.Purpose:To compare if there is a significant difference in spectators’gender,their background traits on viewing motivation,and spectators’satisfaction in 2017 and 2020.Method:This research uses Mr.Kuo-Ming Li’s self-designed questionnaires as a reference to implement the survey.Anticipating to have 450 questionnaires and 400 valid questionnaires were made.The best conclusion comes after the descriptive statistics,inferential statistics,and single-factor variance analysis.Conclusions:The majority of the live audience of the Enterprise League Volleyball League is female (69.8%), the age group is mainly young people under the age of 20 (53.5%), the majority of occupations are students (70.8%), and the education level is college (58.3%), the proportion is the highest, and the marital status is mostly unmarried (93.3%). the most important spectating motivation for the audience in Enterprise volleyball leagues is attraction (average 4.49), followed by entertainment (average 4.17), social need (average 4.15) and personal preferences (average 4.10) in order according to the ranking, the players’ attitude towards the game, superior technical performance, etc, are more likely to attract spectators to watch the game;the highest score for viewing satisfaction (average 4.23) is professionl performance (average 4.18), and then the service (average 3.90). the audience is willing to enter the game again to watch the game. spectating motivation and viewing satisfaction have a significant prediction for revisiting intention.企業排球聯賽觀賞動機觀賞滿意度Top Volleyball LeagueViewing motivationSpectators’satisfaction2020年企業排球聯賽觀眾滿意度之比較研究A comparative study on audience satisfaction of enterprise league in 2020學術論文