葉欣誠Yeh, Shin-Cheng陳映伶Chen, Ying Ling2019-09-052021-02-282019-09-052019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060546010S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103604海洋是世界地表面積最大的生態環境,透過海洋所發揮的生產力與各種自然現象而影響了整個人類的生活與文化。隨著海洋環境問題的浮現與惡化,聯合國Rio+20將水下生態列入提出的17項聯合國永續發展目標之中,以確保海洋資源的永續發展及海洋素養的建立。海洋素養的形成,需從教育,生活,文化,藝術…等各層面建構而成。美國國家海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA)也發展「海洋素養」及相關綱要,成為各國及台灣海洋素養建立與海洋教育執行之參考。   本研究探討從教育層面建構台灣學童之海洋素養,研究對象為12年國教學童,透過海洋課程模組,將針織藝術融入海洋環境教育現場教學,以引起學童之學習興趣。設計問卷調查方式,從量化與質性分析,研究台灣1到12年級學生之海洋素養現況,以及透過針織藝術教學融入課程之後,是否達到海洋教育成效,提昇研究對象之海洋素養。   結果顯示本研究對象之海洋素養現況,經過海洋環境教育課程及針織教學介入之後,在海洋環境知識進步顯著,平均分數上升;在海洋環境態度則並無顯著差異;對於海洋環境採取行動也沒有顯著成長。針織藝術活動部分介入,研究對象接受課程知識意願較高,同時對學習針織技巧有極大興趣。從半結構式訪談,參與活動教師對於針織活動持肯定態度,並能列舉課程對於參與學童之行為影響。   本研究是台灣首度以針織藝術創造模仿海洋生物型態,融入海洋環境教育傳遞海洋珊瑚礁生態概念之案例,並期待提供未來更多跨領域課程融入海洋環境教育研究之參考。As the largest ecological environment, marine connects the lives and culture of human being. Company with the problems and worse situation, sustainable development goal of under water has been listed in 17 goals of UN Rio20+ in 2015 to ensure the resources from the ocean can be sustainable used and to build up the ocean literacy. Ocean literacy was formed from education, life styles, art, culture…. The “Ocean Literacy” conducted by NOAA has become the important reference of many countries including Taiwan.   To investigate ocean literacy of Taiwan students, we design a set course of coral ecosystem for K2-K12 students by using crochet art as a embedded skill. We used questionnaire before and after the class to measure the effect this set class. Both quantitative and qualitative research, we try to find out ocean literacy of Taiwan student. And looking forward the effect of using crochet art as a teaching tool to enhance students interesting in marine environment.   According the result of the study, students’ knowledge were enhanced by this set of marine class. But the friendly attitude of ocean were not enhanced. And they didn’t want to take aggressive action for protecting ocean environment. Learning crochet is fun for both students and teachers. But sometimes they focus in learning the skill more than protecting ocean action. Interaction class arise the interesting of students to learning, but we need more connection to link knowledge, attitude, and action.   This is the first time for ocean environmental education to use crochet art as an interactive media to transform the image of corals and to introduce marine ecosystem in Taiwan. We hope to make this case as a reference material for crossing field study in marine environment education.海洋素養環境教育針織海洋教育珊瑚生態海洋環境教育環境藝術Ocean literacyCrochetArt-based environment educationEnvironmental EducationMarine educationMarine environmental educationCoral ecosystem藝術融入海洋環境教育對海洋素養提昇之研究-以海科館「針織珊瑚陸上造礁」活動為例Art-embedded Marine Environmental Education for Enhancing Marine Literacy: taking “Crochet Coral” of National Marine Museum of Science and Technology as an example