袁千雯Yuan, Chien-Wen楊寶棠YANG, PAO-TANG2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/45a33d96e49e068e726f57c37113a765/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119373糾正假消息有許多方式,像是有研究利用大量假消息進行機器深度學習訓練出模型來識別假消息;也有試著先提供含有錯誤內容的假消息供人閱讀後,再提供正確消息讓同一人再閱讀,試圖以此舉來糾正並釐清閱聽人先前已閱讀到的錯誤訊息。但後者的策略並非總是能發揮作用,有時反而會因為閱聽人本身的信念、態度、對原先消息的信任程度等因素影響。當接收到糾正、釐清的資訊時,反而引起閱聽人反彈,強化對原先錯誤消息的信任度,此現象稱為「迴力鏢效應」。在眾多假消息的主題中,本研究針對健康類假消息,因為此種假消息會影響個人身體健康、且大眾不一定能有專業能力辨別真偽。同時相關研究也發現不同傳播型式的內容其傳播效果也有所不同,因此本研究將結合不同傳播型式之健康類假消息與迴力鏢效應進行深入研究。本研究以組間實驗法進行,實驗組之受測者閱讀文字、圖片、影片其中一種假消息以及文字、圖片、影片其中一種真消息;控制組未閱讀真消息。所有受測者在閱讀完假消息、正確消息後都會填寫說服性、態度、可信度、情緒、嚴重性、認知、行動量表,以了解受測者閱讀假消息、真消息後對於資訊之說服性、態度、可信度、情緒、嚴重性、認知、行動面向的改變,藉此判別迴力鏢效應的程度。本研究經分析發現受測者在閱讀圖片假消息時在說服性、態度、可信度面向較易產生迴力鏢效應;在閱讀圖片真消息時在行動、行動_採納面向較易產生迴力鏢效應;在閱讀影片真消息在可信度、態度面向較易產生迴力鏢效應。There are many ways to correct misinformation, one of which is to use big data to train artificial intelligence models to identify misinformation. In addition to the engineering perspective, attempts are also made to provide clarifying information to readers after they read the correspondent misinformation. However, research shows that this approach does not always work and people may still believe the original misinformation. This phenomenon is called the “boomerang effect.” The current study focuses on health misinformation because this kind of misinformation can affect individuals’ well-being and tremendous negative consequences may arise if people cannot effectively distinguish correct information from misinformation. We tackle the issue from the angle of various communication modes, including text, image, and video, to examine the interaction effects of three modes of misinformation and three modes of clarifying information. With a three by three experimental design (misinformation in text, image, and video vs. clarification information in text, image, and audio), we intend to uncover which communication mode may most easily yield boomerang effect and which communication mode may most effectively correct misinformation. We include participants’ following reactions as dependent variables to determine the degree of the boomerang effect: perceived message persuasiveness, attitude towards the information, information credibility, emotion towards the information, information severity, cognition, and intended action. According to the analysis, our results showed that the participants were more likely to have a boomerang effect in perceived message persuasiveness, attitude, and information credibility when reading image misinformation. Also, they were more likely to have a boomerang effect when they read clarification information in image and video forms. Last, when viewing the video clarification information, they were more likely to produce a boomerang effect in dimensions of credibility and attitude.假消息健康資訊迴力鏢效應misinformationhealthclarification informationboomerang effect不同傳播形式之健康資訊假消息與迴力鏢效應影響研究An Investigation into the Boomerang Effect with Different Modes of Health (Mis-)Informationetd