王瓊麗Wang, Chiung-Li徐淑雅Hsu, Shu-Ya2020-12-102018-05-292020-12-102018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004603105%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114402本論文以「童顏.童言.童研」為主軸。也就是兒童的容貌表情、兒童的言論及兒童的研究。筆者過去因任教高中,又在台北市立美術館當親子導覽及導覽義工,再加上回憶兒女小時候快樂情景,且筆者極為喜愛兒童,遂以兒童的表情、言論及研究兒童來作為研究的主軸。 本論文的研究動機源自於在台北市立美術館當親子導覽義工時看見了兒童的純真。而研究的目的是播撒藝術的種子在兒童內心,並給予兒童的父母親一些啓發和提醒。其次是確立研究方法及架構,然後說明在研究過程當中遭遇的困難及解決之道。而筆者的創作理念是內在情感的表達及外在視覺的呈現。學理基礎則闡述筆者的創作是受超現實主義、象徵主義、普普藝術、質樸藝術、超扁平藝術、剪影藝術、卡漫風等的啟發,並說明了這些學理基礎對筆者作品表現形式的影響。至於創作的內容,則是以時代環境的角度觀之,也是筆者內在情感與思維的展現。而筆者常以象徵的手法來表達圖像的意涵。再來說明了創作之媒材是以油畫為主,而技法的應用則是以影像取材,並運用部分直接和部分間接畫法畫之。再來則是作品說明與解析,同時引述了學理的根據。最後為此研究的總結及筆者對未來創作的期許和展望。This title is divided into three parts : 1.Children’s Facial Expressions, 2. Children’s Speech 3. Children’s Study The painter is an English teacher in senior, also a children’s guide and guide in Taipei Fine Arts Museum; besides, she always recalls the happiness of her children. She loves children so much that she regards children as a pivot in this thesis. The thesis is divided into five chapters: The first chapter presents the motivation and the goal of the study, the method and the structure; additionally, the study procedure and the problems the painter encounters and the solutions. The second chapter explains the idea of creation is the expression of feelings and the exterior visual presentation. The foundations of the basic method are the Surrealism, Symbolism, Pop art, Naïve art, Superflat, Silhouette, Animamix, Direct painting, Indirect painting, etc. and the influence on the works. The third chapter explains that the content of art creation is for the perspective of times and surroundings, and the presentation of the painter’s inner feelings and thoughts. The painter often appeals symbolism to express the connotation of the image. In addition, the painter explains the creation material is based on painting oil; and the application of the skill is photography; the painting skills are part of the direct and the indirect skill. As for the chapter four, it refers to the painter’s explanation and analysis of the art works. The fifth chapter, also last chapter, is a conclusion of this thesis.童顏童言童研超現實主義象徵主義普普藝術質樸藝術超扁平藝術剪影藝術動漫美學SurrealismSymbolismPop artNaïve artSuperflatSilhouetteAnimamixDirect paintingIndirect painting「童顏•童言•童研」-徐淑雅繪畫創作研究Children’s Facial Expressions, Speech& Children’s Study - A Study of Shu-ya Hsu’s Art Creations