吳齊殷陳怡蒨黃心怡2014-10-272014-10-272007-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/153351990年代後隨著電腦科技與網際網路的發展直接影響了公共領域的結構轉變。國家力量的投入、私人領域的地位以及電子傳媒所帶來的影響等,皆為社會的變動 帶來新動力。這篇文章中我們試圖去探討這股轉型力量是如何形成?是否能普遍地應用到不同社會脈絡的理解上?從這個基本問題出發,我們認為這個轉型力量主要 是透過公共資訊、科技技術與社會活動的各種協力合作的方式所產生,資訊時代的技術、知識與連結網絡打破許多傳統階級社會的既定框架、地理距離的隔閡。資訊 與知識、人際交往互動、地理環境之間所形成的社會距離與社會位置有了全新架構的可能,同時也帶來新的社會力量基礎。本文依循社會學的思考,討論資訊時代裡 公共領域、資訊取得與知識分享之間的關連,並進一步討論三者相互合作、流通所帶來的轉型力量與可能性。我們認為釋放社會力的理論依據在於,知識取之於社 會,也該回饋給社會。然而,公共領域裡公共資訊的開放流動是轉型力量的環境要件;而行動者本身的能力與行動者相互之間的溝通與知識共享則是知識創新、創發 價值的重要機制。為了進一步具體說明,結合當下許多引起社會高度關注的共同創作與資訊共享的一些實例,來說明本文的理念與實際運作的結果。Conventional digital libraries utilize access control and digital watermarking techniques to protect their digital content. These methods have some limitations. First, after passing the identity authentication process, authorized users can easily redistribute the digital assets. Second, it is impractical to expect a digital watermarking scheme to prevent all kinds of attacks. Thus, how to enforce property rights after digital content has been released to authorized users is a crucial and challenging issue. Digital rights management (DRM) systems have been proposed to address this issue by enforcing the rights access policies in a trusted computing environment. However, DRM systems can only be useful if the computing environment can be protected and compliant to the common rights policy throughout the lifecycle of digital objects. In this paper, we propose an integrated framework of content protection and tracking that aims to detect unlawful copyright infringements on the Internet, and combines the strengths of static rights enforcement and dynamic illegal content tracking. First, we introduce a wrapper-based approach to digital rights enforcement for content protection that integrates digital watermarking, cryptography, information protection technology, and a rights model. Also, we present a content tracking mechanism for multimedia-content near-replica detection as the second line of defense. In the rights enforcement environment, the behavior of all content players is monitored and digital content can only be accessed after certain usage rules have been satisfied. Furthermore, the proposed architecture can be easily integrated into any digital content player, or even existing DRM systems in digital libraries. With the protection of the proposed framework, the abuse of digital content can be drastically reduced. Our experiments demonstrate the efficacy of proposed framework and the accuracy of copy detection.公共領域資訊取得知識共享公共財知識創新Public sphereInformation accessibilityKnowledge sharingKnowledge innovationPublic good釋放台灣的社會力Release The Social Power of Taiwan: Public Sphere, Information Accessibility and Knowledge Sharing