米泓生Horng-sheng Mii柯惠親2019-09-052008-8-272019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693440142%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/101281西太平洋暖池為全球重要的熱量及水氣來源,為了解西太平洋暖池較長時間尺度的變化,本研究選擇ODP180航次於西太平洋暖池南緣所羅門海域鑽取的1115B岩芯進行浮游性有孔蟲Globigerinoides sacculifer氧碳同位素分析,建立本區域2.2百萬年以來之古海洋記錄。本岩芯有孔蟲氧同位素記錄反覆出現冰期-間冰期的震盪變化,與Shackleton 等人(1990)發表ODP677底棲有孔蟲氧同位素相似,顯示其氧同位素值的變化主要受冰川消長控制。依據氧同位素值比對,輔以生物地層、古地磁反轉事件,以及亞澳微雷公墨出現層位作為年代參考點,建立了西赤道太平洋2.2百萬年以來氧同素地層第1階至第81階的記錄以及本岩芯之年代模式。岩芯的平均沉積速率為5.8cm/kyr,且呈現沉積速率減緩但碳酸鈣比例增加的趨勢,可能與Woodlark Basin的張裂活動所伴隨的海水深度逐漸增加有關。 本岩芯氧同位素年代地層從100kyr週期所過濾出來之濾波則顯現出隨時間變化而有不同之強度,從一百萬年左右開始,氧同位素的100kyr週期成為主要控制週期,且在五十萬年之後到現代,100kyr週期更加明顯,與前人所提到的MPR及MBE事件的特徵吻合,顯示本岩芯適合作為研究此兩事件的材料。 在本岩芯中觀測到δ13C數值自氧同位素第13階的極大值1.5‰下降至第12階的0.4‰,早於氧同位素地層第11階與12階之間的MBE事件的現象,與Wang等人(2003)於南海岩芯中觀測到結果相似,顯示全球碳儲存庫的擾動可能扮演全球氣候變遷的關鍵因素。但本岩芯碳同位素呈現的變化量,與Wang等人(2003)於南海觀測到的變化量並不完全相同,表示碳同位素記錄具有區域性的差異。 本岩芯與ODP806岩芯浮游有孔蟲G. sacculifer氧同位素差值自2.2Ma到1.7Ma逐漸減少,自1.7Ma到現代則相對平穩振盪,推測1.7Ma之後,暖池在垂直水體已發展成現代的模式。而本岩芯的氧同位素與岩芯ODP806氧同位素差值呈現明顯地軸傾斜角變化41ky,可能因地軸頃角較小時,南半球中緯度海環環流增強,導致暖水水團疊加至暖池地區,使暖池範圍變大。本研究之浮游有孔蟲氧同位素記錄與全球冰川體積發展有良好的對應,與暖池核心的岩芯ODP806浮游有孔蟲G. sacculifer氧同位素比較顯示水文狀況較暖池中心不穩定,暗示暖池南緣自上次冰期以來鹽度增加,而此效應可能來自蒸發量的增加或因ITCZ偏移所造成的降雨量減少。We have performed 477 isotopic analyses on surface-dwelling foraminifers Globigerinoides sacculifer of Holes 1115B (9º11.382’S, 151º34.437’E;water depth 1149m) drilled from Solomon Sea during ODP Leg 180. 13C values range from 0.33‰ to 2.29‰ and 18O values range from -2.44‰ to -0.05‰. The chronology is based on correlation of the oxygen isotope record to ODP677, the magnetic stratigraphy, the last and first appearance datum of selected fossils, the age of the Australasian microtektite (793ka), and radioactive isotope dating. We have identified 81 marine oxygen isotope stages and have constructed a refined age model covering last 2.2 million years for equatorial western Pacific. The periodicities of eccentricity, obliquity, and precession are observed. The average sedimentation rate is 5.8 cm/kyr. Carbonate contents increase with decreasing sedimentation rates from 2.2 Ma to present. Changes in carbonate contents and sedimentation rates may be related the rifting of Woodlark Basin and associated increasing of water depth. Both Mid-Brunhes Event and Mid-Pleistocene Revolution preceded by 1.1‰ decrease in 13C values are observed. This is consistent with previous study for South China Sea and may indicate that change in global carbon reservoir size was the major cause of the Pleistocene climatic transitions. However, the magnitude of the change in 13C values is different and may indicate the regional variability in carbon isotope. Difference in 18O values between ODP 1115B (close to the southwest margin of modern Western Pacific Warm Pool) and ODP 806 (near the center of the WPWP) shows a periodicity of 41ky. Difference in 18O values between ODP 1115B and ODP 806 decreases from 2.2 Ma to 1.7 Ma and becomes stable since 1.7 Ma. Therefore, the modern WPWP hydrographic condition may have formed since 1.7 Ma. Difference in 18O values between glacial and interglacial of ODP 1115B was greater than those of ODP 806. This suggests the paleoceanographic condition may have changed due to fluctuation of southwestern margin of West Pacific Warm Pool and higher 18O values in ODP 1115B may indicate higher evaporation rate associated shift in ITCZ over Solomon SeaODP 1115岩芯西太平洋有孔蟲氧碳同位素第四紀ODP 1115Western PacificForaminiferaOxygen and carbon isotopeQuaternary西赤道太平洋所羅門海ODP 1115B岩芯之氧碳同位素地層記錄Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphic Records of ODP Hole 1115B from Solomon Sea, Western Equatorial Pacific