曾品方陳雪華Pin-Fang Tseng, Hsueh-Hua Chen2020-09-032020-09-032019-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108975本研究選取1920 至2018 年美國12 部學校圖書館營運標準為研究對象,採用歷史比較法,探討各時期營運標準的相同與差異之處,分析整體變遷的脈絡和意涵,進而對我國學校圖書館的營運標準和經營管理提出建議。在營運標準方面的建議,依序是(1)從促進教與學來思考營運標準的取向,彰顯學校圖書館的教育功能;(2)建置公開取用的網路平台,強化研究與應用的效益;(3)務實調合涵蓋度與層次性。在經營管理方面的建議,分別是(1)經營管理以促進學習為導向,開展人力資源的專業知能;(2)建立資訊科技的分工體系與整合服務;(3)強化合作關係的層次和互惠策略;(4)結合各學習領域共同促進多元素養。The study investigated 12 U.S. school library standards adopted between 1920 to 2018 and employedhistorical‐comparative method to analyze and compare the similarities and differences between thesestandards. On the basis of the study results, this study made recommendations to enhance the standardsand management of school libraries in Taiwan. For standards, the following recommendations areproposed: (a) Reflecting the orientation of standards from the enhancing of teaching and learning tohighlight the educational function of school libraries; (b) official websites should provide open accessresources related to standards; and (c) standards should be comprehensive and specific according toactual practice. For management, the following recommendations are suggested: (a) school libraryoperations should be learning‐oriented, developing the professional knowledge of school librarians; (b)the application of information technology should be oriented toward division of labor and integratedservices; (c) partnership levels and reciprocal strategies should be strengthened; and(d) learningcontent areas should be integrated to facilitate the multiple literacies of learners.學校圖書館學校圖書館營運指南學校圖書館營運標準School LibrarySchool Library GuidelineSchool Library Standard圖書館營運標準之研究:以美國學校圖書館為例The Development of Library Standards:Case Study of School Library of United States