國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所黃均人陳昭珍2015-07-032015-07-032010/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73335臺灣唱片工業始於二十世紀初。日治時期,蓬勃的藝文生活加速了唱片產業的勃興,戲曲與流行音樂成為商業市場的主流,共同締造了臺灣錄音史上數個黃金時期,並於1930-40年代達到頂峰。爾後,唱片產業雖在戰爭的陰影下逐漸凋零,屬於那個遙遠時代的聲音記憶,卻藉著黑膠唱片深淺不一的聲紋流傳下來。時至今日,這批無比珍貴的音樂遺產,正靜待學者們的重新檢視,並鵠望一個全新的歷史定位。 聲音是國家重要的文化資產,舉凡先進國家,皆設有國家級的聲音典藏機構。然而,目前在臺灣卻尚未建立具國際標準的聲音典藏機制。有感於保存聲音史料的急迫性與重要性,師大音樂系於2004年成立「音樂數位典藏中心」,開始進行聲音檔案的回復、整理與保存工作。至今,已完成多項數位典藏計畫,並在推動國際化、資源共享與知識傳承各方面皆呈現出豐碩之成果。 李坤城先生是一位資深音樂製作人和文化工作者。過去十多年間,他從臺灣各地收集了從日治時期至近代上萬張的臺灣音樂唱片,內容包羅萬象,其中以民間戲曲與流行音樂之收藏最為完整,足以建構出一座極具特色的臺灣唱片發展史有聲博物館。 本計劃旨在數位化李坤城先生所收藏之臺灣代表性留聲機唱片,並架構一個具有文本脈絡的網站與檔案資料庫來呈現成果。此項研究的完成將擴充早期臺灣音樂史之版圖,並為臺灣歷史增添一筆彌足珍貴的動態史料。The recording industry in Taiwan was established in the early 20th Century. During the Japanese colonial period, the thriving music scenes, especially the flourish of Taiwanese drama music and popular music, enhanced the demand of recordings and thus accelerated the development of Taiwan recording industry. The Golden Age of records peaked in the year of 1930-40, but dimmed gradually under the shadow of WWII. Several years later, the withered industry finally became a history. However, preserving many precious historical sounds, these old 78 rpm records have nowadays become a crucial medium, which enables people to have access to the music heritage from the old time. Sound is an important culture property for a nation. A government-operated archive designed to manage the sound-related issues, is quite common and necessary for many developed countries, yet it is still not founded in Taiwan. Realizing the significance and the urgency of preserving sounds, the Department of Music of National Taiwan Normal University had founded the Music Digital Archives Center (MDAC) in September 2004, aiming to protect the sound resources which are vanishing as the time passing by. In the last five years, MDAC has already completed eight National Digital Archive Programs of National Science Council, Taiwan. Besides, MDAC is also active in participating in international academic symposia, sharing research experiences with other domestic organizations, as well as training new generations to continue the academic progress. This project plans to digitalize the private records collection from Quin-Cheng Li, a senior connoisseur who comprehends the importance of old recordings and has collected over 10,000 pieces of 78 rpm records. Among these collections, the records of Taiwanese drama music, as well as those of popular music are most valuable and well-organized. By analyzing the sounds and the background of these materials, it will clarify the early stage in Taiwan music history, and also provide a vital document for understanding Taiwan history.數位典藏影音媒體保存聲音紀錄留聲機唱片digital archiveaudio preservationPhonographrecordshellac日治時期臺灣曲盤數位典藏計劃Digital Archive Project for Taiwan Shellac Discs of the Japanese Colonial Period