國立臺灣師範大學地理學系陳宛君廖學誠 2015-09-032015-09-032011-07-012078-5941http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74724宜蘭外澳海灘是一個因海沙堆積而產生之新興遊憩區。本研究分析這一新興遊憩區之遊客遊憩體驗、遊憩滿意程度、旅遊行為意向及遊憩經濟價值。研究結果顯示,外澳海灘確實具有顯著的遊憩價值,以單界二元條件評估法估計,外澳海灘每年提供每一位遊客552.97元的遊憩經濟價值,以雙界二元條件評估法估計亦有571.57元/年的經濟價值。遊客對外澳海灘之自然景觀、水上活動以及海灘活動普遍感到滿意,並認為外澳新生海灘公共設施需要改善。外澳海灘遊客主要來自台北地區,其次來自宜蘭當地;男性多於女性;男性遊客到訪頻率及停留時間均高於女性。大部分遊客具有正面之行為意向:願意再次來外澳海灘遊玩、會向他人宣傳推薦、願意以外澳海灘作為下次出遊第一選擇。來自台北地區的遊客之重遊意願高於宜蘭當地遊客。This paper studies the recreational experience, satisfaction, intention and economic value of a new recreation site - Waiao Beach, Yilan. The study result suggests that the beach on the Waiao coastal line has created significant recreational value for visitors. For an average visitor, it is estimated 552.97 NTD per year by single-bounded dichotomous CVM and 571.57 NTD per year by double-bounded dichotomous CVM. High recreational satisfaction is stated by the visitors for natural landscape, water-based recreational activities, but not for the public facilities. Positive behavior intention of the visitors is observed. Moreover, most visitors are from locally Yilan and neighborhood Taipei. The revisiting intention of the visitors from Taipei is higher than that from Yilan. The number of male visitors is larger than that of female. Male visitors tend to come much often and to stay longer in each visit than the female.遊憩體驗滿意度行為意向條件評估法遊憩經濟價值Recreational experienceSatisfactionBehavior intentionContingent valuation methodEconomic value of recreation宜蘭海岸遊憩效益之經濟評估--以外澳海灘為例Economic Evaluation of Recreational Benefit in Yilan Coastal AreaA Case Study in Waiao Beach�