曾柏瑜陳淑麗2014-10-272014-10-272010-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6639本研究旨在探究初任補救教學的大專生,其專業成長和教學效能的改變情形。27位曾修習 過補救教學理論課程的大專生,分別進入三所國小執行一學期的補救教學,每星期平均授課6節,並接受三位專家老師的密集教學督導。研究者以質、量並重的方式 蒐集、分析資料,包括問卷、教學觀察、文件分析等,以描述其專業成長的情況。研究主要發現有三:1.在一個學期期間,大專生在教師專業成長的四個層面,包 括教學技巧、教學規劃、專業發展及班級管理等能力,均有顯著的進步;2.一學期間,大專生的補救教學效能有提升,根據大專生在一個5階評量表上的自評,有 96%的大專生至少進步一階,其中近一半的大專生進步了兩階;督導他評分四等級,分別有63%和33%的大專生進步一和兩個等級;3.大專生認為在教學的 初期和後期,分別是教學督導和同儕討論,最能幫助他們解決教學問題。College students have played an increasingly important role in after-class academic assistance in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to describe the professional development of inexperienced student teachers who were providing after-class remedial reading instruction to underachieving elementary students. The participants were 27 college students who had taken the basic courses in a remedial instruction program offered in their university. They took part in an after-class academic assistance program, offering reading instruction for one semester in 3 elementary schools, in 6 sessions per week on average. During the semester, they were closely supervised by three master teachers of reading instruction. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered from questionnaires, daily teaching logs, observation logs of supervisors and participants’ final reports. The main findings were as follows: (1) The student teachers showed significant progress in 4 areas: teaching, lesson planning, professional development, and classroom management; (2) According to their self-reports, 96% of the participants improved their teaching efficacy by moving up at least 1 level in a 5-level scale, while less than 50% reported that they had advanced 2 levels. Based on their supervisors' observations, however, 63% and 33% of the participants advanced by 1 and 2 levels respectively. (3) In the beginning weeks, participants felt that the most important positive influence on their teaching was the supervision of the master teachers; in the last few weeks, they felt that peer discussion was most helpful in the solving of problems.補救教學教師專業成長大專生教學效能remedial reading instructionprofessional developmentstudent teacherteaching efficacy初任補救教學大專生的專業成長研究The Professional Development of Inexperienced College-Level Student Teachers in an After-Class Remedial Reading Program