陳學志張維舫Chang, Wei-Fang2019-08-282017-06-202019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004A02103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88776本研究旨在研究運用六頂思考帽融入讀報教育對國中生語文創造力、寫作創造力的影響,與對閱讀理解能力、閱讀動機的成效。本研究採用準實驗研究法,對國中七、八年級學生進行為期八週的實驗教學,有三組不同教學法:創意讀報組36人、一般剪報組33人與控制組37人,並於教學前後實施四項前後測驗,包括「寫作創造思考量表」、「新編創造思考測驗」、「閱讀理解能力試題」、「閱讀動機量表」,另有學習單及教師教學觀察紀錄以及二份調查問卷:「學生讀報與閱讀習慣問卷」、「學生讀報課程態度問卷」。結果發現:(一)在「寫作創造思考量表」各向度上,三組不同教學法與前後測未有交互作用,除了「想法多樣性」,其餘向度皆後測大於前測。(二)在「新編創造思考測驗」的總分、獨創性、變通性分數上,創意讀報組大於控制組,但是在流暢性分數上三組無差異。(三)在「閱讀理解能力試題」上三組有臨界顯著,控制組大於一般剪報組。(四)在閱讀動機分量表的「閱讀效能」分數上達臨界顯著,創意讀報組表現高優於一般剪報組。在其他三向度「外在動機」、「內在動機」、「閱讀效能」上則無差異。(五)大部分的學生認為,讀報課程能引起閱讀學習的動機、提升閱讀興趣。(六)六頂思考帽課程中,學生認為白帽最容易使用,藍帽最難使用。最後根據研究結果,提出對未來的研究建議。The purpose of research is to study the influence on reading and writing creativity and the effect of reading motivation and comprehension ability by using the six thinking hats into newspaper education. In this study, quasi-experimental research method is used to study the students in 7th and 8th graders. The subjects were divided into newspaper creative reading group (36 cases), cutting newspaper group (33 cases) and control group (37 cases). Four main research tools which are the Newly Created Thinking Test, the Writing Creation Thinking Scale, the Reading Comprehension Test Questions and the Reading Motivation Scale were used before and after the class. Besides, there are also the worksheets, teacher’s observation record in class and two questionnaire surveys, which are "Students' Newspaper Reading and Reading Habits" and "The Students’ Attitude toward Newspaper Reading classes”. The experimental results are as follows: (1) In the “Writing Creation Thinking Scale”, the three different teaching methods have no interaction with the pre- and post-tests. Except for the “Idea Diversity”, the other dimensions are measured larger in the post-tests than in the pre-tests. (2) The total score in “Newly Created Thinking Test” shows that the newspaper creative reading group gets higher score in originality and flexibility than the control group; however, there are no differences in the score of fluency among the three groups. (3) In the “Reading Comprehension Test Questions”, three groups are close to the level of significance, but the control group is better than the cutting newspaper group. (4) In the “Reading Motivation” scale, the score of reading efficiency is close to the level of significance. The performance of newspaper creative reading group is better than that of cutting newspaper group. There are no differences in the other three degrees of “external motivation”, “internal motivation” and “reading efficiency”. (5) Most students think that the newspaper reading class can increase their motivation and interests in studying reading. (6) After the six thinking hats class, the students think the white hat is the most easily to used, while the blue hat is the most difficultly to used. Finally, according to the result, I will give comments on the following study.六頂思考帽讀報教學寫作創造力閱讀能力six thinking hatsnewspaper readingwriting creativityreading ability運用六頂思考帽融入讀報教育對閱讀與寫作創造力的影響The influence on reading and writing creativity by using the six thinking hats into newspaper education