林薇Lin, Wei高琳芸KAO,LIN-YUN2019-08-282005-9-12019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069006020%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86636本研究之主要目的在瞭解老年人的生活型態和生活品質之現況及相關性,並探討影響老年人生活品質的因素。資料取自「國民營養健康狀況變遷老人調查 1999-2000」,共1937位65歲以上的老人為研究對象。研究結果發現:老年人的健康狀況不錯。飲食攝取部份飯麵類、蔬菜類、水果類攝取最多,以因素分析法找出五種飲食型態:甜點糖類、健康飲食類、肉魚奶類、豆製品類、咖啡和蛋類,可以解釋老人飲食攝取50.11%之變異量。整體的身體活動量和睡眠品質中等;成癮行為不嚴重。生活品質在身體疼痛、社會功能最高;自覺健康、活力狀況最低。依集群分析將老年人的生活型態分為三個主要的族群,「飲食豐富」集群的老人飲食豐富,健康狀況較好,男性、年齡較輕、教育程度高、曾有工作者多、和配偶同住較多,經濟狀況和生活品質較好;「攝取少」集群的老人攝取較少,健康狀況較差,男女各半、年齡較長、教育程度較低、曾有工作者較少,和配偶同住者較少,經濟狀況和生活品質較差;而「好甜食」集群喜好吃甜食,人口學變項、健康狀況和生活品質皆介於兩個集群之間。而對生活品質有顯著預測力的因素為:人口學變項的男性、年齡較輕、教育程度高、有工作相對於從未工作、金錢較足夠的老年人,有較高的生活品質;健康狀況較好,生活品質較高;生活型態的健康飲食類攝取較多者,身體活動量較多、睡眠品質較好者,生活品質較佳。相關單位實行老年人生活品質提昇計劃應以健康狀況和生活型態為改善重點,且以女性、年齡較長、教育程度低、從未工作者和經濟狀況較差者為優先考量對象。The main purpose of this research is to find out about the relationship between lifestyle and quality of life of the elderly in Taiwan. It also focuses on the factors that influence quality of life. The materials are based on the data of the Nutrition and Health Survey of the elderly in Taiwan 1999-2000, and the number of samples amount to 1937 elderly over 65 years old. The result of study shows that the health status of elderly is quite well. Their diet is usually rice, noodles, vegetables, and fruits. According to the factor analysis, there are five dietary patterns: desserts, healthy food, meat、fish and milk, soybean food, coffee and egg, which explains 50.11% of the variation. Physical activity and sleep quality are in the middle level, and addictive behavior is not serious. For the qulaity of life, the highest is body pain and social function; the lowest is general health and vitality. According to the cluster analysis, there are three kinds of lifestyle. The first is that they always eat a lot of different kinds of food. Their health is better; the sex drive of males is higher; the average age is younger; the education level is higher; having job experience is higher; living with a spouse is more likely and their ecnonmic status and quality of life is better. The second is that they always eat very few kinds of food. Their health is worse; the average of males and females is half and half; the average age is older; the education level is lower; having job experience is lower; living with a spouse is lower and ecnonmic status and quality of life is worse. The last lifestyle is that they like to eat the desserts, demography variation, health status, and quality of life are between the other two kinds of lifestyle. The directly influencing factors for high quality of life are categorized as follows: the difference in the male's population; lower age; higher education; having job experience and having enough money for retirement. The health status is better, the quality of life is higher. Healthy dietary; physical activity and good sleep result in better quality of life. The health department should improve the health status and lifestyle as a key point, when they makes a plan for improve the elderly quality of life. They should consider the female first, then age, the education level, the job experience and ecnonmic status.老年人健康狀況生活型態生活品質elderlyhealth statuslifestylequality of life台灣社區老年人生活型態和生活品質之相關研究Relevant Research of the Lifestyle and Quality of Life of the Elderly in Taiwan Community