沈慶盈Shen, Ching-Ying陳佳琪Chen, Chia-Chi2020-10-192025-06-082020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060389014I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109892新北市的行動玩具車在新北市為首創,希望藉由多項資源整合及配送,讓市區與偏區都能同享歡樂及幸福。此外,行動玩具車期待以玩具乘載社會福利資源方式深植各區,創造新北市各區更綿密的扶老、攜幼資源,達成促進老幼共融的目標。 本研究想透過方案相關人員的實務經驗,瞭解新北市行動玩具車的服務目標與推動過程,探究服務過程中遭遇之困難及解決策略,並進一步規劃未來的服務方案,結果將有助於提供未來服務的建議,並作為其他縣市發展偏鄉服務的參考。爰此,本研究採質性研究方法,藉由團體訪談與焦點座談,針對方案之規劃執行者與執行人員的蒐集資料,並透過玩具銀行方案成果報告書、社工員填寫之社區需求評估紀錄表與成果報表等次級資料進行內容分析。 主要研究發現為:一、新北市行動玩具車突破單一對象族群,以玩具創造服務,讓行動玩具車以此作為外展服務的媒介及素材,服務對象上,從一般兒童及親子、發展遲緩兒逐漸擴展到老人、身心障礙者等族群;二、從服務過程中建構各式對象群的服務模式;三、釐清社工員在外展服務的角色任務與定位及與教保員之工作分工。四、從方案規劃面、推動過程面及服務執行面等三大面向分析方案執行過程中遭遇困難,並從中探討形塑行動玩具車2.0升級服務方案。 根據研究發現,研究者提出以下建議:一、對主管機關之建議:中央機關應思考行動式服務之推動必要性、新北市政府應再思考資源整合與分配之合適性;二、對後續方案推動之建議:社工員角色與功能之強化、高齡長者服務再精進,邁向社區並規劃共融服務、化被動為主動,以擴大行動玩具車與偏區資源連結之效果、服務品質應持續提升。The mobile toy stations in New Taipei City, the first of their kind in Taiwan, seek to spread happiness to urban and remote areas through resource integration and delivery. They also aim to serve as vehicles of social welfare resources in all corners of the city to support the aged and the young and foster intergenerational inclusion. This study intended to explore the implementation of mobile toy stations in New Taipei City as well as challenges and solutions by analyzing the experience of the staff. The findings may inform future project design and serve as references for other cities when delivering services in remote areas. As such, the study employed qualitative methods to collect data on the project planners and staff by means of group and focus group interviews. Secondary data, such as the summary reports and the community needs assessment forms filled out by social workers, were also analyzed. The study revealed four major findings. First, the mobile toy stations deliver outreach across user groups, including children and families, children with developmental delays, senior citizens, and people with disabilities. Second, group-specific service models have been established. Third, social workers’ roles in outreach and collaboration with educare givers have been clearly defined. Fourth, project challenges were analyzed to propose an upgraded version of mobile toy stations. The following recommendations were made from the findings. First, the central government should give mobile service delivery due thought, while New Taipei City should reexamine the appropriateness of resource integration and allocation. Second, the role of social workers should be strengthened to enhance service to seniors. Community intergenerational services should also play a more active role to connect mobile toy stations with resources in remote areas and improve service quality.行動式服務老少共融玩具mobile service deliveryintergenerational inclusiontoy新北市行動玩具車方案之運作與規劃探討Research on Operation and Planning of the Mobile Toy Car Project in New Taipei City