信世昌.Hsin,Shih-Ching陳 玲Chen Lin2019-08-282010-2-122019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095242315%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86314中文摘要 本論文是以『參與的研究』之方式,對泰國曼谷某高中學生學習漢語的情形進行研究。 青少年正值人生中一個過渡期,在生理、情緒和社會等方面都有很大的變化,不似成人認知發展成熟,有清楚的學習動機與目標,也較能自我控制情緒。因此青少年的教學方式,應該有別於成人,不能以成人層級的方式一成不變地套用。青少年漢語課室教學與成人最大的分別在於需要常規輔導。 本研究主要以多元智慧理論來經營課堂教學,並依據青少年特質規劃常規輔導策略。以某高中學生為對象,探討學習漢語動機;運用多元智慧理論編擬教學大綱進行漢語教學試驗;並探討青少年學生對多元活動式的漢語教學以及常規輔導之反應的『質性研究』。由研究者設計融入多元智慧理論的漢語教學活動,並擔任實際教學者,進行一學期的教學行動研究。 課室經營是以學習者為中心,認清教學對象的文化背景、喜好、個性等等,才能因材施教達到預期的教學目標。該校青少年活潑好動,順著其樂天無憂的特質,規劃上課節奏,師生和樂一堂,往教學目標邁進。 歸納研究所得之結論是: 建立簡短明確的教室公約、實施合作學習教學法將學生分組、實施雙語教學、排除情感屏障以免成為學習阻礙、課堂教學活動多元化。本研究最後根據教學試驗提出省思與建議,供日後相關的教學與研究之參考。Abstract This disertation is a participation research to investigate the Chinese language teaching as a foreign language at one Academy in Thailand. The adolescence is a period of time in a person’s life between childhood and mature adulthood. The adolescents are still immature in physiological , moral and social aspects . They are not the same as adults, who can better discipline themselves and have clearer motivation and goal to study . Therefore , the teaching methods for adolescents should be obviously different from those for adults. In a Chinese as a foreign language class for adolescents, discipline guidance is especially necessary. This is a qualatative research in which the researcher applies the theory of multiple intelligence in class management and designs strategies of discipline guidance according to the characteristics of adolescents . In this research, the researcher intended to figure out the one Academy students’ motivation of learning Chinese language, to design a Chinese lanuage teaching plan based on the multiple intellegence theory to conduct a teaching experiment, and to investigate adolescent students’ responses to the Chinese language instruction and to the strategies of discipline guidance. The researcher was the instructor in this research. She conducted this teaching action research for one semester. Class management is learner-centered in nature. The instructors need to unerstand the learners’ needs, their cultural background and personal characteristics to provide them with appropriate instruction to meet the teaching goals. The students in one Academy are energetic and optimistic. Therefore, the researcher designed teaching activities according to one Academy students’ characteristics. In order to have an effective instruction, the researcher suggests that instuctors need to establish simple but concrete classroom rules, adapt cooperative learning method to group students, execute bilingual teaching, eliminate emotional obstacles that may hinder learning¸and provide students with learning activities based on multiple intellegence. In the end, the researcher made some remarkable conclusion and gave some valuable advice according to the result of teaching research , which should be regarded as the valuable reference to the interrelated teaching and research in the future.漢語青少年雙語教學課室經營漢語教學MandarinAdolescentChinese Teaching as foreign languageBilingual EducationClass Management泰國漢語教學課室經營之探討-以曼谷某高中為例The Class Management Research for Teaching Mandarin-one of Academy in Thailand as an Example