黃迺毓 博士陳姣伶Chiao-Ling Chen2019-08-282011-7-142019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0891060037%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87156本研究主要目的有二:(1)探討就業母親的個人背景、信念與母親托育選擇的關聯情形,同時考驗母親信念的影響效應;(2)探討就業母親實際的托育內涵及情感經驗。本研究以350位就業母親為對象,透過問卷調查方式蒐集相關資料,再從中選取12位母親進行深入訪談。研究主要發現如下: ㄧ、母親教育程度愈高,由自己照顧嬰兒的比例愈低;家庭收入低者,由自己照顧嬰兒的比例則較高。 二、母親的嬰兒照顧選擇不會因幼兒性別、出生序、氣質而有顯著差異。 三、選擇自己照顧與機構式托育的就業母親在「專業學習取向」信念的得分較高,意即較重視照顧者的專業性及照顧環境學習內容的規劃。 四、選擇機構式托育的就業母親較認同托育對嬰兒的「有利影響」;選擇自己照顧嬰兒的母親則對托育「不利影響」的知覺程度較高。 五、選擇自己照顧嬰兒的母親有較強的「天賦母職」和「責任母職」信念。 六、選擇親屬托育的母親有較強的「生涯抱負」,由自己照顧嬰兒的母親則對「工作的承諾」較低。 七、母親的信念能有效預測其托育選擇。「人際取向」因素與母親選擇自己照顧嬰兒呈負向關聯,「專業學習取向」、「不利影響」和「天賦母職」三項因素與母親選擇自己照顧嬰兒有正向關聯。 八、從生態系統觀點分析就業母親的嬰兒照顧歷程,顯示母親們主要經驗的托育問題包括配偶及家人參與情形的影響(小系統效應)、職場政策及工作壓力調適(小系統效應)、育兒或就業的抉擇(中間系統效應)、尋求托育服務及政策協助(外系統效應)、托育計畫的變化與調整(時間系統效應)以及傳統育兒觀念與照顧實務的衝突(大系統效應),而就業母親在嬰兒照顧歷程中因面臨各系統因素的影響,故產生不同的情緒感受及心理調適經驗。 研究最後並根據研究結果提出未來研究、教育及政策推廣上的建議。The main purpose of this study is twofold: First, it is to examine the relationship between working mothers’ personal background, beliefs and their infant care choices. Second, it is to explore the process of working mothers’ decisions and feelings about infant care. A total of 350 working mothers participated in this study. All participants completed questionnaire survey, and then researcher picked 12 subjects from the same group to conduct in-depth interviews. The major findings were as following: (1)the higher maternal education and family income were associated with higher proportion of non-maternal care choices. (2)gender, birth order, and temperament of infant were not associated with mothers’ infant care choices. (3)maternal care and center day care users were more likely than family day care users concerning learning activities of infant care. (4)center day care users were more likely than family day care users to have higher scores on a scale concerning positive effects of day care. (5)working mothers who choose maternal care expressed stronger positive feelings about motherhood than mothers who used other types of infant care. (6)working mothers who choose relative care expressed stronger career orientation, and who choose maternal care expressed lower work commitment. (7)maternal beliefs can predict their choice of infant care effectively. According to the Ecological System Theory, the selection and use of infant care were affected by different aspects of factors across contexts and time. The qualitative results shows that the main issues in mothers’ infant care history including the impact of spouses and family members(microsystem effect), workplace policies and work pressure adjustment (microsystem effect), the choice of employment or not (mesosystem effect), the search for infant care (exosystem effect), the change of infant care arrangement (chronosystem effect), as well as the disagreement in infant-rearing attitude between traditional values and modern concept (macrosystem effect) and so on.就業母親嬰兒照顧選擇環境脈絡母親信念托育經驗生態系統理論working mothersinfant care choicesenvironmental contextmaternal beliefsinfant care useEcological System Theory就業母親的嬰兒照顧選擇及托育經驗探究Infant care choices and use of working mothers in Taiwan