魏美惠羅巧玲Mei-Hue WeiQiao-Lin Luo2014-10-272014-10-272012-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14184教師教學效能在教師的專業發展上扮演著重要角色。一位教學效能高的教師能知覺到他對學生學習經驗、成就及學習動機有闕鍵性的影響(Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2007) 。教師專業能力並不是構成教師教學效能的唯一要素,事實上教師創造性人格特質相當重要。個具有創造性人格特質的教師較有開放的胸襟,他對環境敏覺度較高,也較勇於冒險,解決問題的能力較佳。本文同時對於幼教師如何提升幼兒創造力及創性人格特質提出具體的方法及建議。Teaching efficacy is important in teachers' professional development. Teachers with ahigh level of efficacy believe that they have a strong influence on students' learningexperience, achievement, and motivation (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2007). But ateacher's professional knowledge is not the only element which makes a teacher someonewith high teaching efficacy. In fact, teachers' creative characteristics are important tooTeachers with creative traits are more open-minded and more sensitive to the environmentThey are willing to take risks and are more capable of problem solving. Thesecharactieristics make up the core spirit for a teacher to acheive high teaching efficacy. In thisarticle, the author also provides some guid1ines of enhancing children's creativity andcreative characteristics for kindergarten teachers.教師創造性人格特質教學效能teacherscreative characteristicteaching efficacy淺談教師創造力與創造性人格特質對教學效能的影響一以幼兒教育為例The Initial Research on the Effect ofTeachers' Creativity and Creative Characteristics to Teaching Efficacy- Using the Early Childhood Education as an Example