國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所Hsu, Y. S.Wu, H.-K.Hwang, F. K.Lin, L. F.2014-12-022014-12-022009-06-13978-1-4092-8598-4http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42796Based on the expert-novice analysis, we developed a distributed scaffolding curriculum for modeling air quality (DSCMAQ) to facilitate high school students’ modelbased reasoning in a technology-enhanced learning environment (APoME) which provided the Modeling Air Quality (MAQ) software associated with gradual complex learning tasks. Three studies had conducted to evaluate the effects of DSCMAQ on students’ modeling practices. In these three studies, students worked in a small group to complete DSCMAQ and their modeling abilities were improved after DSCMAQ.Design distributed scaffolding for modeling a complex system