賴瑛瑛Lai, Ying-Ying林波吟Lin, Po-Yin2020-12-102018-02-202020-12-102017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060160005T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114594公立美術館向來被視為我國的藝術殿堂,然而館長失職的情況卻屢見不鮮。另一方面,企業視「職能」為取得競爭優勢的關鍵因素,鑒於「新公共管理」之盛行,各國政府莫不效法企業經營以增進服務效能。我國人事局自2004年起始為公部門中高階主管建立核心職能,當中包含管理與專業職能兩個面向;我國公立美術館館長作為美術館之典藏、展示、教育與保存之引航者角色,其專業職能與美術館營運發展息息相關,至今卻未見有關指標。過去文獻對於我國公立美術館館長之討論,多半關注在行政與政治的面向;仍未有研究,據時代趨勢之館長職務定位轉變,探討我國公立美術館館長應具專業職能內涵。 本研究設計分為兩個部份,前半為建立「美術館館長應具專業職能」之假設,透過美術館管理有關文獻分析,比較美、法、臺三國美術館館長的資格條件,援引「職能冰山理論」歸納美術館館長所須具備的專業職能構面與要項。後半研究則蒐集館長與關心美術館人士對於「臺灣公立美術館館長應具專業職能」的看法,並為求研究結果之客觀性,將此兩方資料相互檢證,探索臺灣現況環境下,臺灣公立美術館館長所應具之專業職能。 研究之前半的結果與發現為:一、臺灣公立美術館館長之專業職能與美、法兩國相較仍有所不足;二、據現今美術館發展趨勢,提出館長專業職能之同心圓模型;三、以「冰山」模型架構提出館長專業職能的有關內涵與面向。而根據上述兩階段性之研究實施與檢證,本研究結論與建議如下:一、「臺灣公立美術館館長專業職能」之範疇,應涵蓋的本研究所提出的四大構面,且缺一不可。二、臺灣公立美術館館長所應具之專業職能範疇的輕重關係應如「臺灣公立美術館館長專業職能同心圓圖」所示,將館長俱備美術/藝術史、學之專業訂定為必要條件,美術館行政經驗與能力訂定為重要條件。此外,為符應當前博物館與公部門的經營管理趨勢,有關主管機關可斟酌將企業管理有關之重要職能納入館長專業職能之要求中;在外延職能方面,雖不一定必備,但若具備這些條件的館長,有機會引領我國公立美術館走向更好的前景與發展。為使我國美術館事業能有更穩健的發展,期望我國政府有關單位(文化/教育部門)能盡快為臺灣公立美術館館長與館員之聘任、升遷以及美術館人才培育,建立一套完善的制度。Taiwan public fine Arts museums have always been regarded as “temples of Taiwanese arts”, but Taiwan public fine Arts museums directors are usually dereliction of duty. In the other hand, enterprises take competencies as key factors in competitive advantage. In consideration of the trend in “New Public Management”, there is no government around the world that hadn’t emulated the spirit of business management to improve their service efficiency. Taiwan Directorate-General of Personnel began to establish core competencies which are involved management and professional competencies for middle and senior supervisors at 2004.The director of Taiwan public fine arts museums is a vital role to direct their staff members to reserve, exhibit, educate and collect through art objects;His / her professional competencies must be highly relevant to the developments and functions in fine arts museums. However, there is still not any indicator about them. In the past, the discussions of Taiwan public fine arts museums directors were concerned about political and administrative. There is no research about the change of public fine arts museums directors’ role in new trend, exploring their professional competencies. This research is consists of the two parts. The Part 1 is due to establish a hypothesis for “the required professional competencies of public fine arts museums director. By analyzing different kinds of documents about “fine arts museums management”, comparing with the public fine arts museums directors’ qualifications of America and French, and using the analyzing construct of “Iceberg model”, to conclude what the professional competencies are the director of public fine arts museum is needed. The Part 2 is collecting the opinions of the directors and all of the outside members who concern about public fine arts museums’ activities. Finally, to compare these two dimensions of opinions for proposing the conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions of Part 1 research are as following: the first is comparing Taiwan public fine arts museums directors’ professional competencies with the qualifications of America and French, the required professional competencies of public fine arts museums director in Taiwan are not completely;second, providing a concentric circles model of Taiwan public fine arts museums directors’ professional competencies, which were taken into consideration on the nowadays trends in museum; third, with “Iceberg model” to propose the dimensions and items of the directors’ professional competencies in Taiwan fine arts museums for reference.The suggestions and findings of Part 2 research are as following: The first is that in the director’s professional competency categories of public fine arts museums in Taiwan, which must be contented the fourdimensions that had been proposed by this essay. The second, the order of the directors’ professional competency categories of public fine arts museums in Taiwan,which should be like “the director’ professional competencies concentric circles diagram of public fine arts museums in Taiwan”. And, taking arts (or fine arts) history and theory as the necessary requirement of directors’ professions;Taking the experience and skills of fine arts museums administration as the major requirement of directors’ competencies;In accord with the trend of public administration and museum management nowadays, the Taiwanese cultural authority could take some important competencies of business management into consideration as requirements in directors’ professional competencies;In extend competencies, although this aspect is not necessary, if the director of public fine arts museums in Taiwan has those requirements, there is the opportunity to lead the public fine arts museum management become better and better. The last one is that for our national fine arts museum has steady development, expecting our cultural or educational authority, as soon as possible, to complete an employment, promotion and cultivation talent system for Taiwan public fine arts Museums.專業職能公立美術館館長職能冰山理論Professional CompetenciesPublicFine Arts MuseumsDirectorIceberg model臺灣公立美術館館長應具專業職能探討An Exploration to the Required Professional Competencies of Public Fine Arts Museums Director in Taiwan